The Snake Club

Hey if I was stuck in the middle of the woods with nothing to eat, damn straight I'd skin one for dinner.

I try to never harm them as there is no need, but yeah, if shit hits the fan tomorrow it's gonna be snake kebabs and lizard soup.

My two smaller terriers are obsessed with the snakes, though, grabbing them and snapping them like whips. I'm not nearly fast enough to get to them and yelling 'NO!' when they are on the hunt does no good, so what the fuck can I do.
I try to never harm them as there is no need, but yeah, if shit hits the fan tomorrow it's gonna be snake kebabs and lizard soup.

My two smaller terriers are obsessed with the snakes, though, grabbing them and snapping them like whips. I'm not nearly fast enough to get to them and yelling 'NO!' when they are on the hunt does no good, so what the fuck can I do.

I try to never harm them as there is no need, but yeah, if shit hits the fan tomorrow it's gonna be snake kebabs and lizard soup.

My two smaller terriers are obsessed with the snakes, though, grabbing them and snapping them like whips. I'm not nearly fast enough to get to them and yelling 'NO!' when they are on the hunt does no good, so what the fuck can I do.

I appreciate that! Snakes aren't as bad as people make them out to be, most of them will scurry away because they're more scared of you. I get there is the occasional bite here and there but it's most likely to happen when people tread into areas they like to hide.