The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!


Well-Known Member
man if i just keep mine alive long enough i may just win.. lol jk sorry to hear about your luck if u want u can have mine


Well-Known Member
i think its about perfect size to grow like 20 shotglass sized flowering clones lol. nah its my new vegging box so i can start a perpetual grow. this box has 2 6500k bulbs in it since its gunna be veg box after my seeds germinate. i have 2700ks i should put in since my flowering shotglass plant is in there. but oh well.

so heres some pics of the box n my girl. its fuckin bright in there



Well-Known Member
Hey I have 4 going now, just showing signs of the 1st set of 5 leaves, so no sex yet, and all look good and normal and fine. lol

BUT, I have a question....

I want to turn one into a legit bonsai plant. In a bonsai tray, where I prune the roots, some branches, and the leaves themselves. I'd then want to just chop the top to harvest it, and keep it growing after that. To do so, I heard I should leave on the popcorn buds, correct? I want to keep it short, to build a thick stalk like a bonsai tree. I know any harvest after the first wouldn't be as good, but I just wanna see how long I can keep it alive.

Once I see it is female, do I run any risk of shocking it into a hermie?


Well-Known Member
It seems like we are getting a lot of males. Is the size of the container enough of a stress that it's causing this?


Well-Known Member
haha this is too funny but actually really really cool at the same time.. i bet a lowryder would grow great in a shot glass


Well-Known Member
really? no comments on that veg box? that thing is fuckin bright. its not done yet i need an exhaust fan. i have an intake 12v comp fan to blow wind on the plants atm and a passive exhaust (its gunna be changed soon). im changing the 12v to exhaust n weakening it and adding a smaller pc fan at a lower voltage. it needs to be quiet and give wind to the new sprouts. or right now the shotglass plant


Well-Known Member
So with these little guys, the cropping seems to really make a difference. It seems like 1g - 2g at most with one kola, up to 4g if cropped. Does that seem correct to you guys?


Well-Known Member
didnt top mine so if mines a girl ill see how much i get at the end. i had to transfer my girl into another pot which i mixed sand+soil in so the roots could grow better bcuz like i said b4, my soil got very compact. idk how badly stressed she is from the move since she is in flowering, and i think i damaged some roots.. plz dont hermy on me


Active Member
Ok guyz here's a peek at my 2 lil girls. One of them has some weird burns on her leaves, prolly from the MG soil. Otherwise they're doing weill, the growth is slow but steady..



Well-Known Member
Did you guys know that if you google search "marijuana shotglass grow" this is the first hit?

EDIT: So here is the debate I'm having with myself...

There seems to be lots of males, so perhaps the constraints of the containers is a stressor.

Kolas seem to be the same size on cropped plants as single kola plants when it's this small, so cropping is beneficial.

But, if the plants already run a higher risk of being male, is the stressing of cropping worth it? Or is it a slim risk?


Well-Known Member
if u go from clone though i bet you will not have many males and bigger yields.. if i ever flower mine i will let u know


Active Member
for those of us with a loss we should start a "shot glass grow off winter addition" i got a grow i started with my shot glass grow and out of nine plants seven r female for sure and i topped them so got some nice double colas. will take pics and post in a new post tomorrow