The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!


Well-Known Member
new pics hurray. she (i hope) is looking decent but her growth is so slow, i hope adding more lights earlier helped, i still need fucking reflection in my box though and then i could lower my plants to my intake fan and they'd get stronger stems too.. uhg lazy me



Active Member
w00t!!! my turn!! here are my girls and they are drinking a lot the past 2 days... =) i've had to keep an eye on them. So far, i'm up to about 10ml of water a day, i've knocked them over twice, and just generally forget about them.. lol. (they're soooo tiny in my jungle) anywho.....



Well-Known Member
^^^^ I accidentally left them on top of the light for about a day because I moved them to rearrange something and forgot. Still got a bit of light tho.

ha ya id send ya one if the world wasnt so fucked up and i didnt have to worry about going to jail for something stupid
I'd have 10 foot tall 22" in diameter tree in my front yard that would harvest pounds if I didn't have to worry.


Well-Known Member
:( :( SO shes a lil retarded its ok she was big and i stuffed her in that small ass container lol

hell ya sicc glad to hear that i need someone else to post pics with me of the vegg :)


Well-Known Member
dude meister i would have a feild of 500 white widow's if i didnt have to worry lmao and i would smoke pot in the feilds and i would have my house in the middle of it :)


Well-Known Member
im new to growing with hps .. my dad just told me he can get unlimited amount of 400W hps bulbs

my question is can i vegg with them too ??? i dont think i can just wondering


Well-Known Member
in ur situation scwascwa ide make a veg/clone box with all cfls 6500k spectrum and when you get room after you pull some plants (males / dying / finished plants) in the flowering box with the hps move them from the veg box to that, that way you can get bushy plants during veg because lights are so close and they are the right spectrum


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3158281]lookin good man, how old is she[/QUOTE]

just over 3 weeks now, i vegged it for 2 and then its been in flowering for just over a week


Well-Known Member
wait im confused lol some say i can some are sayin get cfls... i kno cfls work great veggin but i can get unlimited hps so wat would a plant look like vegged with hps than one vegged with cfl anyone know that question lol???


Well-Known Member
i think the cfl plant would be bushier if your using the 6500k light spectrum bulbs and have them really close to your plants, then move them into hps to flower, rather then having them under hps the entire time


Well-Known Member
alrighty thats wat i planned on doing ... wat if i bought a 250 W bluw spectrum cfl bulb u think i'd only need one of those for vegg with only 6 plants ????


Well-Known Member
also your node spacing will be really tight. my buddy has 4 plants 1 week behind mine and we both have 4 plants that were germed and sprouted at the same time of the same strain.. he has 6 26w 6500k cfls and 1 65w 6500k cfl and his plants are BUSHY as fuck and short too, the ones that we have of the same strain, planted and sprouted the same days also.. lets say his makes mine look pathetic


Well-Known Member
yeah you could veg 6 plants with that, just keep them as close as you can without burning them and have plenty of reflection


Well-Known Member
ok finally some pics

about 8 days only, keep in mind, took em three days to shed seed





Well-Known Member
yeah i forgot about my shotti yesterday.. found her all wilted n shit.. gave some water dont thin she gon pull through though


Well-Known Member
Oh damn, thats sucs, hope she pulls threw, your clone is doin great tho, im really lookin forward to her yield