The seedling thread.


Well-Known Member
Since I've had all my problems while my girls were in seedling phase. I decided to make a thread for other newbies like myself.

My first tip.
In nearly every case when mine died. It was from too much water.
The best advice I got was:
Use a shot glass of water per day or every other day.

Being a noob and having ADD make me want to always do something. But they will be fine.

Any other tips are welcome!!
Lol for seedlings in red solo cups, I literally only water them once the first like 8-10 days. Then as they get a little bigger, it'll be more frequent. The trick is to really just feel the weight of the pot/cup whatever you're using and wait until it's so light that you're like crap let me get them water! Lol
I soak my seed for 18 hours. I thoroughly water the seedling mix I use in the solo cup. I put the seed in the soil. And I dont touch it for 10 days to 2 weeks. Then I water it thoroughly again and dont touch it for 10 days.

Its incredibly simple.
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When I use to germinate in soilless I would put a piece go Saran Wrap over the cup top, then put the cups in my flower tent until the seed popped.

The saran wrap kept the cup from drying out and there was constant precipitation from the moisture recycling.

Pretty much a 100% method.

Start em in coco in solo cups, even if you're going to do a soil grow. Even if it's an autoflower.

The coco in the cup is effectively a nice, big, airy "root plug" that will transplant perfectly into soil, coco or peat. This reduces your chance of over (or under) watering.
Well damn. All this advice is excellent.

I'm sure all the other new growers will appreciate this thread.