The seed fair

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I’m a huge autoflower fan. And without a doubt, the leader in autoflower seeds is Mephisto Genetic. Patrick Wilson from The Seed Fair says and I quote “Are they (Mephisto) going to send us five seed boxes for every five seeds.” Mephisto sells its seeds in lots of 1, 3 and 7. And yes, if you buy even 1 seed of Mephisto Genetics, it comes in the breeders original foil packet. For you, Patrick Wilson, to claim that Mephisto sells you bulk seeds in the amount of 5000, without proper packaging, is preposterous and an outright lie. Not only that, it’s easily verifiable. A quick check of Mephisto’s website page of authorized dealers makes no mention of the The Seed Fair or any of the other dozen or so fake seed companies whose names you use to swindle people. I’m awaiting a reply now from Mephisto on your false claim. When I get it I’ll repost it here. You have no license to sell Cannabis seeds in Canada. Canada is very strict about unlicensed cannabis seed vendors. Those caught face up to 14 years in prison in Canada, even if you run your scams from Southern California. You would have been far better off keeping your mouth shut on this one. During yesterdays discussion on what a horrible seed company you operate, you were posting back to back fake five star reviews on your Vancouver Google Business account. You know, the one with the fake business address. Finally, you do realize how obvious it is that you write your own reviews, right? In fact, everything about your multiple seed businesses is fake, right down to the name Patrick Wilson. Maybe find another occupation other than scamming people, ok? At the very least, don’t sell fake seeds to someone whose brother in law is a private detective. Got it?
Per Health Canada: “Cannabis seeds must be acquired via a local government website or a licensed commercial vendor”. You could easily put this to rest by posting your license to distribute Cannabis seed in Canada. But you don’t have one. You don’t even know about the rules and regulations of importing Cannabis seed into Canada. Actually, the rules and regulations differ by Provence. But your not in Canada so you wouldn’t know that. Then you want to challenge me to show up to one of your fake addresses in Canada. Sure. Go ahead, you pick the address. Make sure when I look it up on Google Maps that it actually shows your company name on the business. P.O. Box stations don’t count. Nice try keyboard warrior. I’d love to visit you at your apartment in Southern California but you’ll have to send me the airfair. I did send your ”business partner“ Mephisto Genetics a link to this thread. 5000 seeds huh? No breeder packaging. Sure. Let’s address fake reviews on the Seed Fairs Vancouver Google business account. There are so many indicators of your fraud that I don’t know where to start. In the past few days you’ve received five star reviews from the following user names: Leo John, Peter John, Keith Jon, Noah John, and then Peter John again. Like that’s really lazy dude. Have you posted so many fake reviews that you’ve run out of names to use? I’ve also noticed that most of the user accounts that leave you five star reviews have had their entire review histories wiped clean recently. It’s as if someone was trying to cover up the fact that you post fake reviews for your various seed businesses using the same Google user accounts. Nice try covering your tracks. Im going to leave you the final word “Patrick”. You remind me a lot of Donald Trump. The more you‘re caught lying, the more you double down on your lies. No reason wasting time trying to reason with an individual like that. I’m pretty sure you could go back and forth on this all day, I mean hell, you damn near have been at this thread already since this morning. But please! Post that Canadian Seed Fair address for everyone to see. For reference, the dude that’s running the fraudulent “Seed Fair” out of his apartment in Southern California with the fake name of Patrick Wilson also operates scam seed banks under the following names: The Seedpharm, Sunwest Genetics, MJSeedsCanada, Farmers Lab Seeds, Rocketseeds, Maryjanes Garden, Crop King seeds, Sonoma Seeds, Beaver Seeds, GreenAvenger Seeds. These are ALL being run in the same manner, by the same person. Stay far away from all these entities. They are SCAMS. Here’s a few legitame seed banks that carry REAL breeder packs in their original breeder packaging with the original breeder and strain info. All these sites are verified legit and licensed as distributor: Seedsman, Diverseedy, Neptune Seed Bank, Heritage Seed Bank, North Atlantic Seed Company, Seeds For Me, Harvest Mutual Seedbank, Irvine Seed Company, Supreme Seed Company, JBC Seeds. Hoping this post reaches anyone researching these fraudulent seed sites like The Seed Fair.
Chicago. . . . lmao. You know how hard it is to sell seeds in Illinois? We can get them from other places. You can't run a seed business in Illinois.
See above, when you order 5000 seeds for a strain they dont give you individual packs for that many. Try it yourself for anyone here. Go buy 5000 seeds see what you get from any top breeder ;)
Hello Patrick, nice to have you here, at least your willing to come on here. I dont know about any good or bad reviews so i cant judge on that.
I just wanted to enquire about a few things please if thats ok .
So your saying you are mostly a reseller, or would there be some seeds that are reproductions ? I say that as your prices seem to all be very similar.
Anyway can you tell me about the vietnam black you guys have please . Is it a true pure vietnam black and who would be the source of those please.
See above, when you order 5000 seeds for a strain they dont give you individual packs for that many. Try it yourself for anyone here. Go buy 5000 seeds see what you get from any top breeder ;)

This is true guys. Some breeders send large orders for a seedbank of one strain sometimes together. Its sometimes easery to get them through international borders this way. The selling seedbank would them put them into individual breeders packs and send them out, or leave the option open for the seedbank to put them under their own brand label.
This isnt all the time and with every single breeder. But some breeders do use this method.
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