The Seed Collectors Thread

I'll jump in with both feet with ya......sold (just 1 though)

BTW, I ended up not pulling the trigger on any GGG gear today. I'm sure I will kick myself later, but I had to buy one of those BadBoy T5s.... I think Batman skunk brought it up, if I am correct. I thank your sir.

Yeah man get the t5. You won't regret it. I was looking at your thread today thinking how sweet those seedlings would do with a t5 above em
Yeah man get the t5. You won't regret it. I was looking at your thread today thinking how sweet those seedlings would do with a t5 above em

Yea it will be great when it arrives, I guess it just turned into a perpetual garden time for a lil perpetual groove.


-hippy flippy fun time......Where did I put that Blue Cheese?
OG Raskal promo @ the not so good though

and i see them saying coming soon is Super Kush and Gush..anyone know what those are?
You know I was thinking... Running a pack each of GGG's Harleem and Hortilab's Sour Amnesia side by side would be a pretty good idea....
I have 3 lumateks and have never had a problem. But I have also owned about 10 magnetic ballast and never had one of them die either.

I've got a couple Lumateks and a couple Phantoms and never a single issue with any of those. The house brand HTG Supply sells called "Digital Greenhouse" is the only ballast I've ever owned in my life to not function properly. It just died one day.. dead. So I got HTG to replace it with a Lumatek. The phantom tho get great reviews by anyone who owns them.. The built in safety feature that prevents Hot-restrike is nice, and they have dual resettable breakers and emits virtually no RF, triple resin coated components., supposed to be the best built on the market..

"Hot Re-strike
It is VERY important that the lamp is given adequate time to cool down before it is reignited. You should allow a hot lamp to cool for 20-30 minutes before you try to re-strike it. Hot re-strikes cause premature lamp failure and lumen output degradation. Additionally, the lamp should never be turned off before the lamp reaches full intensity."

My dad and a friend both own a Quantum. There's a store here locally that used to sell Lumatek but replaced the entire line with Quantum, the dude preaches they are much better and safer to use. Me tho, I like my Phantom the best.. =)

Plus it just looks like something Batman would use to grow...
The breeding world is doomed :spew:

I cant even see the garbage that he's posting. It's so refreshing.

On another note... got the Nikon DSLR today, now I just need a lens, lol.
I bleached the top of an Eisbaer.. doh! too close to the glass. It looks cool tho. Like the top of a white strawberry with all these funky white pistils growin out of it. haha.

Major fuck up on my part experimenting Lucas method style in soil. You really do need to feed alot more than I thought.
With GH Flora nutes I'm doing 5ml micro, 10ml bloom, and 5ml liquid kool bloom (NPK 0-10-10) now and stilll no burn. I was so scared to feed that high, need to go possibly higher. Lesson learned.
Picked up a Girl Scout Cookie today..............took the girl scout too. Let's see what all the hype is about, my friend says they are paying TOP dollar for it in the clubs. Yum Yum