The Seed Collectors Thread

Do not grind. It will increase your yield a little but only by carrying more plant waxes into your oil. Whole nugs are always the best, packed tightly. If it's packed correctly the butane will stay in a liquid form and ''wash'' over and threw the nugs bringing/carrying thc with it. Since you're packing from the top of the tube to the bottom you shouldn't experience too much yield loss from packing it partially. But don't think you can do a 7 gram run threw that thing, it just won't spray right. There is too much volume and space which will allow the butane to convert to gas, losing pressure, and yield.
When you vac purge you are lowering the atmospheric pressure in your desiccant chamber. This change in pressure allow the butane to move towards the surface and evaporate. If the oil is a thin layer a vac will have a negligible affect. But with Karma's 200g tube you can figure 200g x .18 yield = 36 grams of oil which is a fat slab and will need some assistance.
I broke it up pretty good. I figured if I ground it some would get into my oil. Like with bubble hash.
best way to go about it to break it up liek your gonna roll a joint but a tad more coarser , if its trim i dotn bother doing anything, just load it up ... yur asking for probs if its ground, liek mentioned the wax will get thru and you may have shit pass thru the screen a lil bit...when it coems ot extractions less is more if you want good end produce :)
You can vac purge the glob. What I would do is do your spray. Purge in over 150-160f water until you see the liquid butane evaporate and no new bubbles form. Scrape this and place it onto a piece of parchment. Get a ceramic tile from lowes or home depot and heat it up in the microwave. Place the parchment w/ oil on the heated ceramic tile and put this into your vac. The heat will keep the oil viscous which will allow the butane to escape. Take the tile out and reheat if necessary. Continue the vac purge until there is no noticeable reaction.

I would grab a smaller tube. Those large monsters can be great fun especially with bag loads of trim. But for basic everyday use, get a stainless steel turkey baster. A whole one can hold one oz, or get a pipe cutter from home depot ($10) and you can cut it down to any size you want in seconds.
Blow jobs arent even worth that lol

Doggie nuts is over rated and over priced. Sure would suck to get a low germ rate on those! Those beans could be over
a few years old! Not like they sell out fast at that price lol

Thats exactly what i was thinking lol with beans that expensive they've got to be years old as i cant see people swooping them up too often lol.
I don't know how much oil we are about to get, but I just put three colas as long and as thick as my forearm in there. Along with a bunch of other nuggets. Packed em down with a drum stick. Its full to the brim.I didn't weigh it. But there was a lot. Do I have to completely fill the tube every time I use it? Thanks for the info.

I'm officially super stocked excpecially since kab will be doing all the work pahahaha