My E-Mail to PhatFilter:
I was wondering if it was possible to wash pelletized carbon once to extend its life-cycle.
1. Mix your cleaning liquid by fill your bucket or pan with hot water and adding 1 cup of dishwashing detergent.
2. Soak the carbon filter. Completely submerge your carbon filter inside of the pan or bucket and let it sit for 15 minutes.
3.. Shake the filter from side to side and then back to front while it is submerged. This will loosen up any dirt and grime particles inside.
4. Rinse off the filter. Pull the filter out of the soapy solution and rinse it under hot water, shaking it the whole time. Make sure it is well rinsed.
5. Place the filter in the sun to dry. If you\'re washing the filter in the winter, put it on a table inside the house. Could you please tell me if this method would work to extend ACTIVATED PELLETIZED CARBON'S life-cycle for one wash or maybe more.
Thank you very much.
Phat Filter's Response:
In short YES.
But, the rinsing cycle is really key and you must rinse over and over.
Then, let dry for many, many days or a week before using.
Dun, Dun, Dun, Dunnnnnnnnn........................
Booooooyaa Bitchesss...
Thats Called Ireffutable Prooofff...
Everybody can now wash Carbon Filters.... Save them Big $$$$$$$ Spend it on

And for Karma, We have a,Brand[pause]New[pause]Shovel!!!!
Givem a round of applause lady's and gentlemen.....
Wait'a min' wherd those Hookers go..
Dammit... I been told Dem Bitches not to Smoke Up in Here...
Gooey Freebie, and Limited release stock sale extended to 1/14/12.....
Nothing of consequence has been listed...
To be listed soon for sale:
Strain Description, pistils, Zinn x Gooey x Ol'Cali x Gooey [HR][/HR]
Breeder 'Strain Description' Template
Strain Name: Zinn x Gooey x Ol'Cali x Gooey
Brand: GooeyBreeder
Landrace,F1,F2, Selfed,Polyhybrid etc
- Polyhybrid
- Stabilized Polyhybrid
Lineage: See Detailed Section For Lineage Below
Parental Information (Zinn x Gooey) X ( Ol'Cali x Gooey)
Gooey = cambodian (70's landrace) x (Mex gold (70's landrace)) x (Lumbo gold (70's landrace) x (Thai ( 80's landrace)) x (Maui (1972 wowie from the developer)
Pure Gooey seed was cubed using the old SSSC S1 See Detailed Thread
Zinn = Gooey X VBS male = Zinn ( Gooey to add VBS data)
Ol' Cali = ? Gooey To add data relating to old cali
To Be Completed By GooeyBreeder regarding why each pheno was chosen and which traits he was trying to preserve and how successful he was in achieving this.
Indica/Sativa % Indica Dominant
Feminized Seeds? No
Indoor / Outdoor
- Indoor
- Outdoor
- Greenhouse
Bloom Length: 8 weeks
# of Phenotypes? ?
Describe each phenotype expression: Zinn Date =
Gooey Data =
Ol'Cali Data =
Stretch: ?
Resin Profile: Copious Resin
Odour Score: 8
Odour Description: Morish, in your face, berry
Flavour Score: 7
Flavour Description: ?
Potency Score: 7
High Type: ?