The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
Nothing to be concerned of they just know your name address email address it's not a problem!!! Hhahaah what a joke


Well-Known Member
Has anyone got the monthly newsletter from Singleseedcentre aka ? I was wondering what freebies they are giving away this month.

Found my answer on their site but not sure why I didn't get my email.

the new seeds are Auto BNC Diesel and Big Band from Kannabia…

Posted by MICHIGAN MEDICALI on May 05, 2011


Well-Known Member
I'm also boycotting Attitude, I have not received the email, but my last order (4/20) is still sitting in the UK's mail system even though it was posted on the 21st and attitude won't even look into it until May 19th!!! I think they may have gotten too big for their britches and are dropping the ball left and right. When I went to email them this week I got the email bounced back with a "Quota Reached" error; means they don't even have the capacity to handle any overflow. I've made at least one purchase with them every month for over 2 years, and the last few orders have had missed beans, have taken twice as long, and their support has gone severely down-hill.

Time to search for a new, RELIABLE, seedbank.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I'm also boycotting Attitude, I have not received the email, but my last order (4/20) is still sitting in the UK's mail system even though it was posted on the 21st and attitude won't even look into it until May 19th!!! I think they may have gotten to big for their britches and are dropping the ball left and right. When I went to email them this week I got the email bounced back with a "Quota Reached" error; means they don't even have the capacity to handle any overflow. I've made at least one purchase with them every month for over 2 years, and the last few orders have had missed beans, have taken twice as long, and their support has gone severely down-hill.

Time to search for a new, RELIABLE, seedbank.
Look at Peak Seeds, and Hemp Depot. Years of service and never once a complaint


Well-Known Member
i ordered from attitude on april 30th and my package was dispatched on may 2nd and i just placed another order yesterday and it was dispatched today..i literally just checked my order status


Well-Known Member
grow up..this site is full of kids it's so sad what it's turned into..i just checked my info and my order is on it's way..i'll be sure to "internet check" your ass when i get my seeds by next week lol BE READY


Well-Known Member
Yes, there have been new users who blankly call for a boycott of The Attitude, but if you'll note, most of us have been here for quite sometime, and have even have boasted about Attitude in the past, but this data breach (if it's not an inside deal), and their customer service during the last few months only points to a business that has little staff with no training, and more business than they can actually handle. This creates a fertile ground for deception (I'm not the only one that has received beans that were supposed to be one, but turned out to be another), deceit (selling our information to another bank; disgruntled employee perhaps), and outright bad business.

Don't know about you, but I expect any place I do business with to regard and respect me and my information. If you won't respect me, there is plenty of competition that will.

I have ordered once from Hemp Depot and had no issues, so it looks like they may just be my new place to get a fix.


Well-Known Member
no i just dont like their prices
i find it reasonable after browsing other seed not saying attitude is a awesome seed bank, im just saying i dont believe this talk about hackers taking credit card info...maybe a hacker who was a member of RIU got pissed and targeted a handful of people to fuk with..sending fack email's to them trying to get more information, sounds like it to me.


Well-Known Member
I've ordered through the attitude 10 times and I've never gotten any spam. I just think that the attitude offers so many different breeders gear while actually do some marketing allowing them to take a big bite out of all on-line seed banks business and the other seed banks are pissed. There has been a lot of scrambling as of late from breeders and seed banks alike to try and compete with the attitude as well as the abundance of American genetics that have been flooding the market.


Well-Known Member
Hahah you know what seedbank I work for?? Mine. I buy seeds grow and bank the cash so come on now with this bullshit. Alot of us have been here for a while and have used attitude a shit ton of times. Now any company that would do this wouldn't get any cash from me. It's bad business. What makes it worst is their jeopardizing our freedom.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Stay strong brothers. Keep the boycott going.

And no you idiot, I don't work for a seed bank. I am concerned about my personal safety and the safety of my family. It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people can be. This is a serious concern, and I don't want to hijack this thread as that's not the intent of it. If you want to know what's happening go the the link in my sig. Except you, you retard. Keep your head in the clouds, and keep thinking that it's just a few guys who got screwed.

If you choose to order from a company who has had a data breach and is now actively involved in trying to cover it up, than please go on ahead. By the way, they may still be under attack. You people who just ordered, as far as you know, the information is still being leaked. But don't belittle a real discussion about a serious breach of trust with your idiotic observations and uneducated opinions.

I was a big supporter, as a matter of fact, I just received my Ace of Spades gear and the rest of my 4/20 order, my most recent of what has been many orders from them. If they just admitted what happened and told us how they are going to prevent this in the future, I would let it go, but they're trying to cover this up. That's an admission of guilt and avoidance of responsibility.

Wake up.

Sorry to OP, I know that this is not the intent of this thread.


Well-Known Member
show some real PROOF..i keep hearing people say "IF" what "if" they got hacked..ya'll dont even know but your already boycotting..and hey if your not using marijuana for medical purposes then dont order seeds with your credit card information genius

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
wouldnt all the people that posted about it be a lil proof?

and really does it make a difference if your personal info is sold off? im sure the med card holders are just as mad as the other people are..its like sayig its "ok" for the supermarket to sell your info lol


Well-Known Member
wouldnt all the people that posted about it be a lil proof?

and really does it make a difference if your personal info is sold off? im sure the med card holders are just as mad as the other people are..its like sayig its "ok" for the supermarket to sell your info lol
no one proved anything..they keep saying "i heard this" or "what if"'s all good, i placed my order yesterday and it says it shipped..ill find out by friday and make sure my money in my account is what it should be


Well-Known Member
Don't know whats going on,but i did not get any funny emails.
All my info seems secure,but that does not matter.I failed a random!So i am done smoking so it really does not matter.
It has been a blast chating with all you cool folks,especially racerboy(who is a good person)Hope all of you stay safe and watch out for the popo.Sucks i have been a smoker for 30 years and now i gotta STOP do to the pill-mill trouble down in florida.
Take it easy folks and stay cool.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
no one proved anything..they keep saying "i heard this" or "what if"'s all good, i placed my order yesterday and it says it shipped..ill find out by friday and make sure my money in my account is what it should be
There is no if, they leaked sensitive information of us. Believe me, I think I recommended the attitude to you recently right? Last year they had a big problem with peoples cc information being hacked and fraudulent charges occured, that is a fact. I went and got a prepaid debit card because I didn't want that happening to me and that cost 6$ or some shit, and it's a pain in the ass. I cancelled my current order with them because it apparently has not made it or been processed in a month, hemp depot got my seeds via $ order to me quicker than that. I have no doubts you will get your seeds and get what you ordered too, but unless it's something I can't get somewhhere else, I will be looking at other banks first in the future and I will never even attempt using my actual CC again. I'm not "boycotting" attitude, I'm simply choosing to do business with other banks because of the inconvenience that comes with usng them.