The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
Would you not be losing some quality from the trichome heads that would be knocked off from spinning and rubbing against the grate?


Well-Known Member
I suppose not, the way it functions just sorta reminded me of a dry sifter for a sec. Still some cool devices though, crazy to think how far this shit has gone from a pair a pruning scissors. When I watched that Canadian Grower's video last night of him using one I was thinking why in the hell is this guy putting these nuggets into a salad spinner lol:hump::joint:


Rebel From The North
Hey guys is there another spot to get eskobar gear other than sannies? Seems very limited and nothing new coming down the pipe.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man. I got a full time job, family, need time to exercise, and time to blow off steam. I don't like spending an entire week of free time trimming honestly. I can easily spend 3 hours a night m-f plus like 3-4 hours a day on the weekend trimming after a chop. Not to mention all the other time you spend adjusting ph, changing res', cloning, cleaning, etc. I live alone and it takes enough out of me doing all that plus having a dog n shit. Any hour here and there I can save is good.


Well-Known Member
Funny you mentioned that, as I just checked my email to find that I've been approved :)
Now if only Cannazon would get back to me, I'll be all set.
Did you email your app? I sent a fairly extensive app, not huge, but a decent resume I guess... I don't have a ton of indoor experience. It took like 5 days for me to get approved on CZ to post.


Rebel From The North
I think you missunderstood me sam! Hes swamped and now has another cat doing his bis! Not his fault it was bound to happen
With all the new members. I got like 18 complete orders andnever a issue so yah hes got a great thing going! Just wish some
Behind the scene stuff didnt happen! Im not going to go into detail so dont ask.


Well-Known Member
ahh give him a break, i like it and Mr.C

i have had nothing but good things to say about em . . . .. . and patients IS a virtue
Yeah, I don't know what's going on in his life I suppose. If he needs more mods on his site he should probably add some though. I do think half a week is enough to scare away some members... You gotta remember that more members=more $$$ for him too. I know $ isn't everyhting, but I'm sure he isn't paying for the forum just for fun, or at least would like to break even.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
and i feel bad too, im one of those new memebers . . .

but overall i like how it works . . and i have only been there for three months and i have three orders no issues at all and no complaints

imho the benefits out way any negatives period . . . . . . so i dont care if it takes a little longer .. . i grow pot . . it takes time to and im not as much as a novice grower to still believe that i can rush my pot so i put faith in the expectation of what i want and so far so good

i dont disagree with anything yall have said and in turn agree, but again i will say the seeds and deals are pretty good and out way any negatives