The Seed Collectors Thread


New Member

i need an opinion or two.


these savage assholes behind my crib apparantly have no respect for animals.

i hear "animal planet" type, massive, raging fight sounds from my back window. peeping the game i see these fucktard kids fighting dogs.

on top of that i see these brutal dogs bit the shit outta my favorite stray cat... which i got in my powder room waiting for a $ vet visit.

am i an asshole for calling the animal cops on these fucking scumbags?

what's that called (animal welfare?) i can google it for my city?


im not a gnark but this shit aint right me all upset ...and going in my pocket to save a cat life.

i wanna make like oswald in my own book depository. wish i had a rifle.

even with my hoodie on in solidarity ===> swear i'd do it.


Well-Known Member

i need an opinion or two.


these savage assholes behind my crib apparantly have no respect for animals.

i hear "animal planet" type, massive, raging fight sounds from my back window. peeping the game i see these fucktard kids fighting dogs.

on top of that i see these brutal dogs bit the shit outta my favorite stray cat... which i got in my powder room waiting for a $ vet visit.

am i an asshole for calling the animal cops on these fucking scumbags?

what's that called (animal welfare?) i can google it for my city?


im not a gnark but this shit aint right me all upset ...and going in my pocket to save a cat life.

i wanna make like oswald in my own book depository. wish i had a rifle.

even with my hoodie on in solidarity ===> swear i'd do it.

Call on them fuckers bro!!!!!


Well-Known Member
You already know the answer to this dilema. Those dogs cannot protect themselves from scumbag, low life, evil parasites who prey on the defensless because their balls are the same size as their pea brains.

Too bad the law did not allow you to pull out a bullwhip and scar those sorry pole smoking, scat eating turds.

Drop the dime and be proud


Well-Known Member
word. narcing and stoping this shit are not the same thing. these dogs made no choice to be there. dog fighters are scum bags and deserve the same thing child molesters deserve. to be bled out..


New Member

100% fuck them (its not about being "city scared" of them at ALL , i dream about kicking in teeth).

and ...roger, roger ....will do!

but im calling the cops or animal welfare?

obviously i dont want to interact w/ pigs.

& i 100% wanna get this right first time.

on the LEO tip and outside of hiring a lawyer , pretty much all i know how to do is get arrested ;-)


Well-Known Member
4 new auctions at CannaCollective

Yeti OG: Headband BX (Headband x ? male) x Headband

Moondawg: Chemdawg91 x Old Time Moonshine

OG Squared: (Headband x ?male) x F-cut OG

SourBanana fems: Banana OG Kush x Original Diesel

Me = still waiting for the Alien drop.


Well-Known Member
If you call animal welfare, chances are the cops will come anyway. I saw wreck their day, cut out the middleman (animal welfare), and get the police out there. Nobody likes looking out front to a driveway of squad cars especially when you got a backyard of bloody dogs and lord knows what else.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, call on them fuckers.

glad to see everyone here has the same attitude.

would love to let the dogs attack those kids.... :fire:


Well-Known Member
Shit bro u took that better then I would have! I would have called the cops then animal cops.. Dog fighting as far as I know is illegal everywhere in the states. I hate people like that! Fucking low life bottom feeders(boarder line psychopathics) how can people just straight inflict pain on another living thing..(except spiders...fuck you spiders)..hope your vet visit is not to rough on the wallet.


Well-Known Member
call your local pd's main number NOT the 911, or better yet got a ASPCA? or local pound? call them.. but where i am, the real deal pd come to these calls.

now i aint a tough guy but i aint a coward either; you do not want to go down to a group of dog fighting assholes to pick a fight. call the pigs.


New Member

no no no way !

close as it is to my house ...i want action ...not discussion.

streets (imo) always = action over talk.

wasnt sure city cops even did that for animals.

hopefully i will not have to have the pigs over for tea, im holding a wee bit more than a gram ;-)

sorry i dont know pig cop vs animal cop protocol.

thanks dudes.
feel 10x better about being a gnark but fuck those savages.

call cops. got it !


Well-Known Member

i need an opinion or two.


these savage assholes behind my crib apparantly have no respect for animals.

i hear "animal planet" type, massive, raging fight sounds from my back window. peeping the game i see these fucktard kids fighting dogs.

on top of that i see these brutal dogs bit the shit outta my favorite stray cat... which i got in my powder room waiting for a $ vet visit.

am i an asshole for calling the animal cops on these fucking scumbags?

what's that called (animal welfare?) i can google it for my city?


im not a gnark but this shit aint right me all upset ...and going in my pocket to save a cat life.

i wanna make like oswald in my own book depository. wish i had a rifle.

even with my hoodie on in solidarity ===> swear i'd do it.
Man that's so messed up. Fuck these little punks. I think animal control is what you want?


New Member
its my bday & im saving a life.

i dumped this cutie pie... but my magnetic effect has her on the way over to blaze trees, take me to dinner, & then give me 3 hole bday input.



cat goes to the vet tomorrow. already called & appointed up.

& i will mention the situation. imma take him to a city sponsered discount vet.

gonna take from my mortgage payment but i dont care.


i wish i had a rocket propelled grenade. where the fuck are taliban arms dealers when u need one?

would shoot that shit straight into dog fight house.


spliff time !


& gudkarma may be an intenet dick but he's no real life dick.


Well-Known Member
Being a gnark..? That's hardly what that means in my streets...people try to behind that don't snitch shit...your doing dog fights. Bet your ass I'm "ratting your low life ass out" I'm not covering your a. animal cruelty b. a rapiest c. Child abusors ...probably more but, now I'm getting angry lol time for a joint doctor


Well-Known Member
Damn.. That is straight FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yah believe it or not, The ASPCA ( or American Society for the Protection of Animals)

Can act like cops, they carry guns and everything......
And there everywhere.. There federal..

Fuckin kids, who do they think they are... Pussy's...
They can't fight each other?... They gotta fight "defenseless" dogs....

If i was there, i would straight up... Burn that house down..
(not even a joke.. you fightin dogs in a crib.. Ill fuck yo shit up....)