if i didn't have a plant limit...i'd be building another grow room so i could test whatever GGG i could get my hands on.
and since we're talkin GGG...my GSOG plant that i was sexing showed her pretty little pistils today. i'm 2 for 2 on ladies with my single bean GGG grows

....GS Bx, now GSOG, next Leia OG...
Great pics CMT! Gives me something to look forward to with the Python. Red stem beauty.
Very nice cmt! I'm lovin my HOF gear!! !!
CMT thats awesome dude. Nice looking plant. I bet thats dank as hell.
thank you much.
yeah, i like that red stem, never seen it before...its actually more of a deep orange than red...the camera flash made it look more red for some reason...
haven't smoked any yet, cut a sample bud last week but my dog, Bud, stole it off the table and swallowed it whole lol...didn't cut another one to sample.
its weird, at first it smells like sweet raw sugar cane but if you take a deep smell...the sweet turns to spicy. can't wait to see how it tastes. hope everyone got them some HOF gear since they broke up...