The Seed Collectors Thread


New Member
here's an excerpt of a convo im having with e$ko right now about root growth & nugz.

to make clear what i said last week about rooting cuts, root growth, and yield.

from a true pro :
gudkarma: question to settle argument i have
gudkarma: ready?
e$kob@r: course
gudkarma: root development = bud growth
gudkarma: yes?
e$kob@r: the more roottips u have
gudkarma: root development is most important
e$kob@r: the bigger the buds, cause there is more hormone
e$kob@r: yes



New Member
the testers are in on some e$ko crosses i dished.

if you got the santa maria x with either shiva or amnesia got blessed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah her sis would be fine too Skunkie!------- gud u should ask him if stretch = root growth, that's what we were arguin about. I would agree that root growth is a huge factor in bud size.


New Member
im talking to him now imma ask

yes cmt santa marta

basically all these choc rain crosses, santa crosses, shiva crosses you may have written off a "collectable" & trade fodder were actually made with super elite moms & dads.

if i hooked you you got firepower that yields from the top shelf.

the nlx x choc rain = massive yields of dankess that e$ko rates 7 of 10 on all factors like taste, potency, yield, etc.

i showed the clone yesterday in the "collector group thread".


Well-Known Member
here's an excerpt of a convo im having with e$ko right now about root growth & nugz.

to make clear what i said last week about rooting cuts, root growth, and yield.

from a true pro :
gudkarma: question to settle argument i have
gudkarma: ready?
e$kob@r: course
gudkarma: root development = bud growth
gudkarma: yes?
e$kob@r: the more roottips u have
gudkarma: root development is most important
e$kob@r: the bigger the buds, cause there is more hormone
e$kob@r: yes

My diy Air pruning pots defiantly increased my root mass an yield for free


Well-Known Member
does anyone know were to purchase some "black honey haze" by holy smoke? every were I look they are sold out. I would greatly appreciate it if some could help me.
oh and they must ship to the states.


New Member
as i noted :

e$kob@r: the first week
e$kob@r: u would be impressed to see
e$kob@r: i say thay make 75% of roots in first week
e$kob@r: its fukin huge
gudkarma: i agree
gudkarma: i notice too
gudkarma: so that root mass = stretch
e$kob@r: so after roots are on 75% u most give em some N
gudkarma: at least what plant can stretch too?
e$kob@r: but ALWAYS p and k to
gudkarma: answer please
gudkarma: ?
e$kob@r: 6*
e$kob@r: stretch for hazes
gudkarma: wtf
e$kob@r: 14 to 16 weeks flowering
gudkarma: direct answer
gudkarma: lol
gudkarma: u nuts dude
gudkarma: ?
e$kob@r: they go 2 meter from clone
e$kob@r: no, for me this daily stuff, habbit
e$kob@r: i know
e$kob@r: this
e$kob@r: i know all my mothers to
e$kob@r: how they behave
gudkarma: root mass = stretch
e$kob@r: i would NEVER put a La confidential in flower as clone
e$kob@r: indica ... never ever
gudkarma: because there not enough root mass
e$kob@r: indicas, never are
gudkarma: so then
e$kob@r: they are use to live in smaller place
e$kob@r: genetic programm
gudkarma: you can say that the root mass you create in first few weeks is CRITICAL to stretch?
gudkarma: of flower
gudkarma: answer direct
gudkarma: ?
e$kob@r: yes


New Member
i tell you what i learned from you last week lastwood.

using grow nute (any, even one drop) in my cloner is not beneficial. e$ko confirm this 100%.

my 100 cuts a month to his 1600.

& now we root the same stuff i have basis for comparison... im 3 or 4 days longer than him.

in fact like u noted at the clone stage N retards rooting... doesnt stop it... slows the cut from rooting.


i love to learn dont you?

and believe this... right this second in ALL my cloners N ...just water and innoculant.

i make change fast when i find new data to be on point.

^ before i ever talk to him today.


Well-Known Member
Yeah u can tell eskos a smart dude just from reading his posts and those little clips. Definately understands plants.------ I really am liking the flavor of the la cheese. Good high too.not extremely potent, but good.


New Member
until you start running clones in that cab i cant help you.

seeds fall from the sky like rain around here.

anyway how's a haze bush helping you? that bcn is taking over your space & growing in a cab is about YOU taking control.

i have a plant on the table with a pheno perfekt for those tubes. not donkey or (my fav) hippo dicks... but shetland pony cocks for sure.

