The Seed Collectors Thread

I thank others for their info.
i searched more about thcfarmer review for the first time. i dont like deuche bags *cough cough khan, take the stick out your ass bro*, i wont go back there again and gonna bail on my order. seems like all what gudkarma says is true. still no problems my self, but ill stick to more honest people.
That first step off the cliff must be interesting. It goes against all instincts to launch yourself off a cliff, but it sure looks like fun!
That first step off the cliff must be interesting. It goes against all instincts to launch yourself off a cliff, but it sure looks like fun!

lmao.. i jumped off of a cliff one time in my life up at the delware water gap, and i have to admit i was shitting my pants the whole time..
not sure how high i was, but it was over 30 feet i would estimate.. the thing was, i had to climb up this lil pos rope to get up to where they were jumping off the cliff from, and i had almost killed myself climbing up the rope.. there were even people who went up a bit higher, and were climbing up on this tree overlooking the river, out onto this tiny ass branch, the launching themselves into the delaware.. no fucking way was i doing that, lol..
if i hadn't almost killed myself getting up there, i'd probably have chickened out and simply climbed down instead.. as was, i jumped, and almost damn near drowned trying to swim back to the raft i was in as i'm a terrible swimmer, lol..
but shit, i can now scratch that one off of the ole bucket list.. :)
I seem to be missing that instinctual fear of heights, it has fucked me over in the past though....
It has forced me to have _______.. and a few insane falls.. They happen too quick to be scary though...
That wingsuit shit looks like fun, ive actually been itchin to go skydiving lately ever since somebody i know did it a few weeks ago.....
Hey Bonehead was it you that used to be a union worker on skyscrapers? Steelworker or someshit, i bet it was crazy up their....

Hey RB that sounds like fun.. But since you have to climb the skinny rope n shit, etc... It does sound scary..LoL i bet it was insane....
My Mango Haze are in day 7 of life, day 6 of 12 /12 ...never went 12/12 from seed but i had an issue this grow and was sorta forced into it lol. I thought they were KC Brains Mango, but they turned out to be Mr Nice Mango they got flipped..i cant run those with midget indicas lol.............Ill keep it updated

Trolling is hard, i had to take a nap today after assualting BrickTop so many times.
I seem to be missing that instinctual fear of heights, it has fucked me over in the past though....
It has forced me to have 2 back surgeries.. and a few insane falls.. They happen too quick to be scary though...
That wingsuit shit looks like fun, ive actually been itchin to go skydiving lately ever since somebody i know did it a few weeks ago.....
Hey Bonehead was it you that used to be a union worker on skyscrapers? Steelworker or someshit, i bet it was crazy up their....

Hey RB that sounds like fun.. But since you have to climb the skinny rope n shit, etc... It does sound scary..LoL i bet it was insane....

My fall that caused my 2nd surgery was 100ft up in an old factory, i basicly walked into thin air on a catwalk... I hit a steal beam got thrust forward hit something else got turned around, somehow caught myself with my elbows,.. The best part was i had no idea i fell untill i was hanging there by my Bows..LoL still holding my bottle of Soco nd Cream soda...LoL...

its not heights that bother me so much as the fact of hanging from the side of some cliff on an area the size of my sneakers was wide.. that, and wondering if i was going to drown after i landed was a second very large factor into my shitting my pants..
i mean, i can swim, but just enough to not drown in five minutes or less, lol..
Diz is the man with that av!! I'm a union ironworker so heights don't bother me. 1st time you get up there tho the whole fucking thing is swaying!! I'm like ohh shit I thought this was steel!! They laughed like it is but you will learn to walk with the sway!!
Trolling is hard, i had to take a nap today after assualting BrickTop so many times.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha. I thought I saw u with his avi the other day. Classic. Nice avi. Me likey
My Mango Haze are in day 7 of life, day 6 of 12 /12 ...never went 12/12 from seed but i had an issue this grow and was sorta forced into it lol. I thought they were KC Brains Mango, but they turned out to be Mr Nice Mango they got flipped..i cant run those with midget indicas lol.............Ill keep it updated

Trolling is hard, i had to take a nap today after assualting BrickTop so many times.

Yah i had to toss a bunch into flower real early as well.
Moby Dick.. 12/12
MobyDick (2).jpg

PR- X-Man...12/12
PR_1212 (3).jpgPR_1212 (2).jpg

X-man when given time to veg...

Dont got pics of the rest....


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Excuse me Mr. Dizzle...
The Left Tittie seems to be Bigger than the Right.. This discrepancy has caused me great emocianal anguish and i have taken great offense.
I request that you rectify the situation immediately.

-My Name.

Sux TCVG hasnt dropped yet, i was really expecting it to drop tonight... even Mr. C. was too....
*just smoked some hash bout 20 minutes ago, after not smoking all day... nd i gootta say.. i am fuckin trashedizzled...
amazing. is that real? simply amazing.
Right it looks awesome.. just cruising along above everything...
Like how the mexicans do drug drops nowadays with those bare bones mini planes....
Man those things look fun....
The smugglers are all like 18-late 20's... i wonder if they ever ake em out for a joy ride...
Like.. Oi, Jefe.. Im taking the plane for a spin.. then get shot down by dea by mistake....(id be all over that.. That show is on tv like twice a day..."extreme smuggling...)

Has anyone tried the SOG seeds - Sweet Duchess F2's....

Not sure if it was said....
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
and Happy Thursday Skunk M8!!
Just for newest Conny lucky dips were 2 packs of Cheesedog. haha it's like they know what I have, and send it anyway!
Just for newest Conny lucky dips were 2 packs of Cheesedog. haha it's like they know what I have, and send it anyway!
Id rather have some of those Romulan x Vortex you made than another pack of CheeseDog.... Hope i dont get doubles in this next shipment.. /\ <-- my fingers crossed...
just Cracked
5 Alien Fire and
5 Bandana
With any luck itll be enough to find a good Mom...
I dont know what it is but it seems like lately every night i feel like poppin Beans....
just Cracked
5 Alien Fire and
5 Bandana
With any luck itll be enough to find a good Mom...
I dont know what it is but it seems like lately every night i feel like poppin Beans....

I just got done sticking a bunch in paper towels .... Hey Dave, OG Chem (Conny), Chem 4 x OG (Cali Conn), Dank Sinatra, SuperBomb, White Diamonds, Eisbear, and 1 freebie Bubba 33.