Hey, I started thinking... if y'all didn't know this part, you probably missed the rest of the story too...
I got my medical card due to a motorcycle accident... Yep, Ganja Granny was sporting a Honda Shadow (yes, I ride my OWN motorcycle...no back seat bitch for me!) when a little doggy ran out in front of my bike. Instead of hitting dumb dog and perhaps flying over the handlebars and dying (not a good ending), I chose to lay the bike down. Okay, I didn't really chose it, but in trying not the hit the dog, I did lay the bike down. Both me and bike suffered minor damage, but I stove up my back for all eternity.
For the record though, I am back to riding the motorcycle. (not this month, of course, I do live in the far northeast). Anyway, I just thought I'd share that.