The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
No worries gk mate, all was ment in honest good humour :grin:. I trust in your integrety there, just as you have with mine, all we got is our word mate. Mine is genuine as you know :wink:, we're cool bro :mrgreen:. I just love seein Bud Porn, you still owe me some pic's of those beans too lol, when you have them rockin in flower that is, don't forget me mate :razz: lol.



New Member
yes & no.

1st sannie didnt breed shit in "breeder choice"... not a thing.

and guess who introduce mota to sannie?

2nd seeds aren't always made by who's name is on the package.

so if i tell you, for sure, soma makes no more seeds & is 100% retired... how does his gear get done?
or is it even getting done?

i never asked e$ko directly but i know he makes seeds for alien grow shop (their brand) , works with femaleseedsnl, and a few others... just like we fuck around on this thread.

dudes here know me & i love them.
we cohabitate.

for the last few years, & with all the fat elites he has, breeding is nothing more than logical consequence... due to proximity of fat strains & his love of making seeds LONG before the internet even existed.

he just does himself.
so many crosses ...only the hillbilly beanery can understand.

dude fucks with me cause i only grow sinsemilla nugz & my integrity is bar none... even if haters hate... i stay in his house he'd stay at mine.

we above the bullshit.

so he sends me beanage unbelievable... like real deal sage, pre 2k dj short, unrealeased fat shit, and lavander haze (which im allowed to share with y'all , even males).

but i do know many secrets... who's fake, who's shit hermies (and you guys are snatching it up), why hennepdesk is a legend, who stole from who, and more.

i hope sannie gives him his own section... i mean fusion seeds please!
hupla couldn't clean dude's fu*king rezzies.
and you can tell him i said it too!


Well-Known Member
yes & no.

1st sannie didnt breed shit in "breeder choice"... not a thing.

and guess who introduce mota to sannie?

2nd seeds aren't always made by who's name is on the package.

so if i tell you, for sure, soma makes no more seeds & is 100% retired... how does his gear get done?
or is it even getting done?

i never asked e$ko directly but i know he makes seeds for alien grow shop (their brand) , works with femaleseedsnl, and a few others... just like we fuck around on this thread.

dudes here know me & i love them.
we cohabitate.

for the last few years, & with all the fat elites he has, breeding is nothing more than logical consequence... due to proximity of fat strains & his love of making seeds LONG before the internet even existed.

he just does himself.
so many crosses ...only the hillbilly beanery can understand.

dude fucks with me cause i only grow sinsemilla nugz & my integrity is bar none... even if haters hate... i stay in his house he'd stay at mine.

we above the bullshit.
so he sends me shit unbelievable... like real deal sage... and lavander haze (which im allowed to share with y'all , even males).

but i do know many secrets... who's fake, who's shit hermies (and you guys are snatching it up), why hennepdesk is a legend, who stole from who, and more.

i hope sannie gives him his own section... i mean fusion seeds please!
hupla couldn't clean dude's fu*king rezzies.
and you can tell him i said it too!
Huh did u say share? i would love for u to share lol.. lavender haze and sage yummmm


Well-Known Member
Hey we should set up 1 affiliate account that we all use and the money that b uilds up we will buy seeds n split em

Hellraizer good choices. The double white cheese sounds bomb too. I wish they had rocky mountain high. G high sounds bomb and madness looks like a fat yielding bubba.
Paypal would probably be the best way for that, I have an account and would be glad to contribute. We can try and trade all of our freebees for some holy grail from a newb on here, throw in some 50 yd line tickets to the Super Bowl with them


New Member
i had sage on the trade block... no bites... and then got a quick "no".

lavander haze = yes

soma's personal cut of lavander x soma's personal daddy cut of amnesia

reg seeds so special i only got 6... and whined cause i always get 15 to 20.

im a snarky dick & a whiney bitch lol.

i have more beans of lavander haze... but i want to work from these three incredible beauties.

when i ask you guys for trainwreck trust this... it could be going to europe.

blessed on that !!!!
you know who you are :-) & i got something real awesome for you.

hold on brb.


Well-Known Member
9 week lavender haze, sounds delicious to me :mrgreen:. Would you be interested in trading me 2 tickets to Disney on ice for 20 of them pwease gk :roll:... (worth a try eh mate lol)

EDIT: The show is Hannah Montana ~ "live on meth",


Well-Known Member
I never had anything to add before, however I have two grows under my belt in the past 8 months
I grew Dr GTs Endless Sky first with a 7 week veg and got over 10 ozs out of 4 plants. Great big buds that were not dense. The taste is not bad but it still smells like grass of parsley after a two month cure. Easy to grow, great yield and my friends thought it was killer.
Next grow was = Next Gen Romulan, Mr Nice SSH, Sannies Herijuana and Chocolate Rain.
I did not let these veg long at all most were about 10 inches and I used smaller pots so I cant say they had good or bad yields although CR and SSH have good yields, the other two seemed not to have good yields.
I am also not very good at how high each plant gets me because I have been stoned 24/7 for months now , semi retired and really like growing but anyway
The Romulan taste great and gets you stoned, same with the Heri (real small yield, but I am making mistakes so dont blame Sannies beans). The first time I smoked the Heri and the CR I got tunnel vision and was messed up and I am a longtime smoker with high tolerance.
The CR is great, real great. I really like it.
Then we get to the SSH. It did great despite my goofups.
I grew out Endless Sky too, lots of bud, but way to airy for me, the shit should be called "Endless finish time"

How is that Chocolate Rain, did you do a whole pack? I have some of that and Sugar Punch from Sannie's shop.


Well-Known Member
Noone else is having problems accesing the thread pages??? i cant go past page 564.....
(obviously i cant read this)


Well-Known Member
its official, my notifications wont reset...
and i cant go past this page.. 564....
i broke RIU... or was it one of you Bastards.. u know who u r -----> (finger pointing at u)
all i can do is stare at GK's pik of e$ko's SOurNeville and drool like Homer Simpson over a box of DoughNuts.......
Shit looks like a Christmas Tree got Caught in a Twister Then Snowed On....


New Member
most def skunkmunkie!

i'll take those two tickets to disney & some brass knuckles.

i have this donkey punch fetish ...that involves snow white, a ball gag, and carrot.

the carrot is for vitamins and minerals.

...dreamers can dream.

and i like to dream BIG.



Well-Known Member
Back for some reason firefox stopped runnin RIU...

GudK.. I was feelin that Banner whered it go??/ .. lol
Those r some good tradin terms i just might get on that....


Well-Known Member
its official, my notifications wont reset...
and i cant go past this page.. 564....
i broke RIU... or was it one of you Bastards.. u know who u r -----> (finger pointing at u)
all i can do is stare at GK's pik of e$ko's SOurNeville and drool like Homer Simpson over a box of DoughNuts.......
Shit looks like a Christmas Tree got Caught in a Twister Then Snowed On....
I got some for you to enjoy!! The "Force" is strong in this one, with 115 days total from seed to Bud with this Bad girl...



Well-Known Member
yes & no.

1st sannie didnt breed shit in "breeder choice"... not a thing.

and guess who introduce mota to sannie?

2nd seeds aren't always made by who's name is on the package.

so if i tell you, for sure, soma makes no more seeds & is 100% retired... how does his gear get done?
or is it even getting done?

i never asked e$ko directly but i know he makes seeds for alien grow shop (their brand) , works with femaleseedsnl, and a few others... just like we fuck around on this thread.

dudes here know me & i love them.
we cohabitate.

for the last few years, & with all the fat elites he has, breeding is nothing more than logical consequence... due to proximity of fat strains & his love of making seeds LONG before the internet even existed.

he just does himself.
so many crosses ...only the hillbilly beanery can understand.

dude fucks with me cause i only grow sinsemilla nugz & my integrity is bar none... even if haters hate... i stay in his house he'd stay at mine.

we above the bullshit.

so he sends me beanage unbelievable... like real deal sage, pre 2k dj short, unrealeased fat shit, and lavander haze (which im allowed to share with y'all , even males).

but i do know many secrets... who's fake, who's shit hermies (and you guys are snatching it up), why hennepdesk is a legend, who stole from who, and more.

i hope sannie gives him his own section... i mean fusion seeds please!
hupla couldn't clean dude's fu*king rezzies.
and you can tell him i said it too!
I am pretty sure I understand all that. One quick question if the ladies arent waiting for their porkchop.
You mentioned seeded weed. I did not think about it till you mentioned it but I bet breeders smoke lots of seeded. How much diff is there between that and sins with a killer strain?