The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
lol, my bro worked at ups, and well, i won't even get into why he lost his job there, but it was crazy bad, i mean really bad bad stuff that goes on over at the ups, lol... which was enough to know that they're not to be trusted with my shit, lol..
So they aren't all like Doug in "King of Queens" then!?


Well-Known Member
Bubba K has x2 veg size stretch in flower, according to the CC fellas RB, I'd give her as much veg as you can for a sweet yeild she wont get too outta control from what I've seen mate.


Well-Known Member
haha.. Yo Doug Heffernan Is the Man.... I think his cousin, i fourget his name ATM though... Chris?? Dave??? Fugazi?? Lunchbox?? iono but his cousin def.. fucked wit a few packages that dumb fuck....


Well-Known Member
me too.. but ive seen those on re-runs... theyve been on like 6 times a day on 2 different channels for like 6 years now... lol

Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
LOL last seed order of the year. Don't be talking crazy like that on this thread!!! I just ordered the kos c99 the other day from hemp depot. My second order from them. I'm super pumped for the c99. Plus tga gear is cheaper there too
Yeah I know, I am a genetist type of person, fascinated by genetics, and I can really play with genetics when it comes to MJ, so many different strains...this is my favorite thing about playing with the genetics. But once I start popping beans to grow from autum to spring, I dont make another seed order until spring (well thats the plan anyways!) Im paranoid that way.


Well-Known Member
You know what. I'm not buyin another pack of seeds as long as I live. I should be able to create any damn thing. Only trades and gifts from now on.

Time to get serious about pollen chucking.

I'm an oil machine


Well-Known Member
Ima be exactly where woods at real soon.. i just got a couple of key(atleast to me) strains to cop..
and then i got my vault of genetics and anything i need, i breed...
thats it....

*i just realised theres prob always gunna be some super killer cross poppin up that id hafttoo cop to get that exact match, but besides that....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
took me about two years to find the strains that do well in my area with the crap water and high heat we have here near the gulf


Well-Known Member
Well shit I KNOW I could go on buying strains forever and never run out. I've spent thousands of dollars on seeds.

But I could go on breeding forever too and never run out.

I'm an old school smoker. I have romulan, c99, space queen, big sur holy weed, chocolate rain, jackpot royale, and black widow that I can work with. I have more too but those are probably my best breeding stock. I kno choco rain and jackpot aren't old but they are good.


Well-Known Member
Well shit I KNOW I could go on buying strains forever and never run out. I've spent thousands of dollars on seeds.

But I could go on breeding forever too and never run out.

I'm an old school smoker. I have romulan, c99, space queen, big sur holy weed, chocolate rain, jackpot royale, and black widow that I can work with. I have more too but those are probably my best breeding stock. I kno choco rain and jackpot aren't old but they are good.
i got all of those except for BigSurHolyWeed - it is one i really want.. and coincidentally included under "key strains" for me to have before id consider being able to quit buying....

before recently (last few years) i never put much energy into preserving my seedstock so i only have mostly new strains, and stuff from new breeders.... but now im gettin organized with individual vials and silica desiccant for each bottle.


Well-Known Member
Ooooo shit! I need a pack of shit! From mns! Skunk 1. How could I not have that? But I have super skunk.

Or the pure. That's sam the skunkmans original skunk rite?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Ooooo shit! I need a pack of shit! From mns! Skunk 1. How could I not have that? But I have super skunk.

Or the pure. That's sam the skunkmans original skunk rite?
i dotn have any sams, i want soem tho..i been growin peak seeds skunk for along time, its super old skewl


Well-Known Member
everyone watch the new series "harvest" on the history channel this thursday'll get to see what i do on the farm this time of year :)