Don't forget to wear gloves if you're fuckin with the seeds. At least I would take the precaution when handling that much $$ worth of seeds.
Personally I'd just leave em in the breeder packs and seal em in an air tight container with some silica packs and put it in the fridge, but that's just me. I'm a bit of a worry wart/germophobe.
good lookin hellraizer I did not know that.
I'd definitely prefer the silica with some cotton swabs over rice though.
You have a serious bean hording problem! Better get popping
Lol I have 27 going now Sensi Star x Dragon's Blood F3, Bruce Banner, Mothers Milk, Lotus Larry & Platinum delights!
what size are those vials, @hellraizer30?
Where did you get the banner?
if you grow that Hazeman's Strawberry Cough, PLEASE do a journal or at the very least a smoke report!.....I have a pack of 17 seeds of that Strawberry Cough....been waiting to pop....and can't find much info at all on anyone who has grown or smoked it.
5/8 dram
pop those hazeman strawberry cough! they are fantastic!
they are legit strawberry cough. you would think kyle kushman made them. better then any cross i ran that used sc.
Bahahaha. I think you may have a problem. lolMy small collection!