did you a favor... i asked my one zip a week super religious brother (w/ 3 kids) about your situation.
family man till he dies. & smoking dank till he dies... behind is ultra conservative wife's back.
a zip a week? damn dude.
he thinks the same as i do :: tattling now = tattling tomorrow
in that house of yours ...y'all dont know about lock down?
which aint lockup by the way ...that's for pussys who cry "c/o , c/o , c/o" for two or three days straight.
what fills up jail ...broken down by gudkarma for you : 1) violence , 2) drugs , & 3) girl drama
400dy you got two turkey dinners on one plate... add a child now you got three.
that's alot to eat my friend & at 22 i suggest you go up two sentences & read that shit 10x.
i left a 400K$ home , a super FAT neighborhood , all my hand painted furniture, & much much more ...the minute my ex betrayed my trust.
how she do that?
told her parents i grow weed.
done & done & the $2600 mortgage (with taxes) is all you bitch.
you been ratted on. lucky its only us... a hodge podge of mega dysfunctionals.
& you will be ratted on again.
take care of the home front, get a job, and buckle down... bonehead & these other dude sayin the same are 100% correct.
how you stupid fucking kidz think us older dudes dont know shit ill never understand?
we were kids too.
you girl of 400dy ====> go away
basically, if you dont grow dank get the fuck outta here !
this aint the place for baby daddy drama & granny's house... unless she sporting a xxxl hood & a 1000y?
im two seconds from PMing a mod about you... giving me (and us) the creeps.
400dy imo is like the plague after this shit.
this is as bad as my leaking ass from all the thievery around here.
brb... little blood on my bung hole... need to wipe.