The Secret

I Believe In The Law Of Attraction And The Ethic Of Reciprocity So Deeply That Not Only Could I Smell IT,

I Founded Woodstock Industries And Was Attracted To Bring IT To RIU To Dream The New Rules Because They Don't Exist Yet

My Apologies To Those I Offend With My Obfuscation And Use Of Cryptic Analogy.

I Do Not Always Have To Be Clear To Everyone, As That Rule Does Not Exist.
Whats wrong w/ faith? Well fuk now a days faith doesnt get you anything but laughed at,-by the media. In this big world of karma i swim through every day, i laugh at them harder than they kno. that 1st Q wasnt retorical. Im homo

If you love, teach them to grow, the rightous are rdy n willing.

CrackerJax- why wouldnt "wishful thinking" be more then just "wishful thinking" if this world is so "crazy"..which it is
Because despite anything written in religious tomes, wishful thinking doesn't produce results.

Try keeping ur faith restricted to reality, not hocus pocus. Have faith in urself first, then others. No need for a make believe entity who's really taken control from you.

Lose the last fairy tale.... if you have the personal fortitude, because that's what it takes.

Religion is the easy way out ... and incorrect.
Because despite anything written in religious tomes, wishful thinking doesn't produce results.

Try keeping ur faith restricted to reality, not hocus pocus. Have faith in urself first, then others. No need for a make believe entity who's really taken control from you.

Lose the last fairy tale.... if you have the personal fortitude, because that's what it takes.

Religion is the easy way out ... and incorrect.

How in the phuck could you make IT happen, Mr. CrackerJax?

I'm not saying I disagree with the messages of 'The Secret' but damn the writers really scammed a hell of a lot of people out of money

"think happy and you'll feel happier" is basically what they're saying, no shit.

I'm gonna write a book called "The BIGGER Secret" and its going to be 1 sentence saying "Eat bread and you'll have eaten bread"
Yes, there are always ppl willing to manipulate as long as there are sheep willing to be fleeced. the message is wrapped bright and pretty, and for the naive, that's all it takes, but the con job is as old as Man.
Yes, there are always ppl willing to manipulate as long as there are sheep willing to be fleeced. the message is wrapped bright and pretty, and for the naive, that's all it takes, but the con job is as old as Man.

not happen.

You are correct Mr. Cracker.


do you guys think that the world will end(or change drastically) or even aliens come, in your life time? i do, im 26, i think by at least the year 2050 something will be very different than it is today, karma may catch up to all the fake people, maybe not tho
That's just a phase of youth. I thought the same thing around ur age. At some point you'll realize it isn't going to happen...and that will be natural also.
That glass wall be PHUCKIN thick round here these days, sry if i come across as tryin to be "over influencial", but i believe humans can walk taller and see farther than what is being displayed infront of us. If my words dont pretain to your situation, then by all means turn your hears away, we all have a choice, and yes, life hurts, in all its glory
Not all things being repeated is a bad thing,(it can be a strong way of healing, but that process itself reveals many truths) just not anything you'll see on the "tv".
Personally i believe we've had alot of history behind us, so hopefully it can be more revealing than collectively believed. Life is not sharp and jagged, it's soft like a butterflies flight, but more beautiful. It's like the clouds in their array, floating thro the sky. This is the truth, but dont think i prance thro the streets, but it is the truth