The Secret

too funny as i rented this movie on netflix yesterday i really like it. I am not into witch craft but i believe we steer our own boat and its up to us to get thru thick n thin.

For sure, we do steer our own boat down the river of life.
did you guys know that a "thought can be measured? like someone when they are thinking, they have a device that can actually measure someones thought?
I own at least a shelf of books about THOUGHTS ARE THINGS or that THOUGHTS have a life of their own and have an ability to seek similar thoughts in an Ether or Etheric world.

Makes me think there are Tinkerbell-like fairies,
and little pixies dancing in my head.
Should I be scared.:-?
They can be measured because we are electrical beings and everything can and will be measured eventually... we are simply fairly complex bio machines.

In the end, the manual will be written completely.
Ok,,,I want to share a story, a very true story to explain my belief in the book THE SECRET, AND my belief in HIGHER ESOTERIC para-physical thinking. I am discussing POSITIVE THINKING, POSITIVE IMAGING and THOUGHTS ARE REAL and THOUGHTS ARE THINGS.

I am sitting at a desk now, a wooden desk. It is real, it is part of my reality, it does exist now and today for real. It is real. But it did not always exist. It was not always real. At one time, it only existed as a thought. Someone, some where thought and told himself I AM GOING TO DESIGN AND BUILD A DESK. That was his first thought, his first positive thought. Then he thought about it some more, encouraging himself, reinforcing his belief that he could and would do it. I can be sure of that because I see the desk now as a reality. Those positive thoughts gathered together, and gained strength through positive reinforcement.
AFTER he thought it, you can bet he told someone, for example, he told his wife, I AM GOING TO DESIGN AND BUILD A DESK. What if she had replied negatively, NO, YOU WILL NOT. YOU CAN NOT DO IT. YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO DO IT. YOU ARE NOT MECHANICAL. YOU HAVE NOT EVER BUILT A DESK BEFORE. A DESK IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU TO BUILD.

If she had bombarded him with NEGATIVITY, her NEGATIVE THINKING could have over come his Positive Thinking, and the desk would not be here now. All she had to do is express more NEGATIVITY than he expressed POSITIVITY. But I see the desk is a reality, so I can safely assume, or know, that there was more POSITIVE THINKING than NEGATIVE THINKING. There also had to be more POSTITIVE TALK than NEGATIVE TALK for it to become a reality OR SHE WOULD HAVE DIS-PERSUADED HIM TO BUILD IT.

For the desk to become REAL, there had to be MORE Positive Thinking, than Negative thinking.

But for the desk to really become REAL, he could not just THINK IT. You can bet a million dollars that he also wrote it down. He got a pencil and paper (or ink), possibly a computer program even, but he began seeing it, IMAGINING IT, and he begin drawing and writing and planning it. He had to "picture it" in his mind. He had to get an image of it, not just in his head, but on paper. He SAW it in his mind, then he saw it on paper. AND by writing it down, by "picturing it", by creating a positive image in his mind, he more made the desk become a reality. And it did, because I can see the desk now.

Let me ask you a question. If he had NOT had positive reinforced thoughts, if he had NOT wrote it down, if he had NOT pictured it, if he had NOT convinced himself he could do it WITH POSITIVE THOUGHTS, would the desk be in front of me now, in reality? NO, IT WOULD NOT. It took positive reinforced thoughts, positive imaging, positive talk, positive discussion to make it real.

I DO NOT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND HOW ANYONE COULD DISPUTE THAT AS FACT OR ARGUE IT..............unless they just love to argue for the sake of arguing.

I'll be back with HOW I used this knowledge to achieve the impossible, but not to argue it. I am only offering it to the Positive Thinkers and Believers.
Or... like everything else on the planet, the first desk was primitive and was gradually improved upon.

Yes, thoughts are MAGIC!!! Boogedy boogedy
Or like the placebo effect. Pretend to give patients a miracle pill only to be a sugar pill but yet they feel a dramatic difference.
I promise and swear on all sacred, on my word, that this is the truth. I changed her name to a fake name.

7 years ago, my oldest son, 33 year old Matt, moved in with me. He was divorcing his 39 year old wife, Mary, and they separated. They had been married 6 years. He was upset because she used meth daily to keep her young figure, she said, and she refused to stop it. She had it under control, in a way, but still refused to stop. He also wanted a child, and she could not get pregnant. She told him when they got married that she could not get pregnant and they had frequent sex for 6 years and she never got pregnant. He begged her to adopt or just take in a foster child, and she refused. He also begged her to attend church with him, a UNIVERSALIST CHURCH that he attended and loved and she hated. She "didn't need no religion" she told him. So he left her, filed for divorce, and she moved away to Florida, to her parent's home, where they had met. That was in March, 2002.

That summer, in July, he began reading my books. (I have a library of books on Esoteric beliefs, esoteric religion, Gnostic Religion and parapsychology.)
He read two of my books, POSITIVE THINKING and POSITIVE IMAGING by Norman Vincent Peale. He found them very fascinating and very interesting. After he read them both, he asked me if I really believed in it. Of course, I told him YES. He then told me that he missed her very much, that he still loved her and wished they could have agreed to adopt a child and work it out. But it was hopeless, he said.
I argued NO, NOTHING IS HOPELESS IF YOU CAN THINK POSTITVE AND BELIEVE IT. The trick is you have to believe it, have faith and think positive.

So we discussed it at length and I asked him how bad did he want it. He said more than anything. He said he did not know if he believed in the books, but he believed in his dad and he believed that "FAITH AND HOPE IN GOD" could produce a miracle.

So I told him, (to demonstrate my faith and belief) that I would teach him how to make it happen, if he would agree to do whatever I told him to do. He agreed. He promised. I got a small pad of Yellow Postums, (also called Stickums) and I wrote on one of them
and on a 2nd one
and on a 3rd

And I stuck them on the bathroom mirror that we shared. He said DAD, WE DON'T WANT ANYONE TO SEE THAT, DO WE?
So I agreed he was right and I removed them, and I changed it to initials, or abbreviations that read
MWAC and that only us two would understand what they meant if a visitor saw them.
We agreed to every time we brushed our teeth or stood in front of the mirror to read them over and over out loud. I explained to him the power of the spoken word, and saying it was better than reading or thinking it.
He promised to do it often everyday and I did too.
I also got two spiral notebooks, the large ones, one for each of us.
Every evening, as we watched TV together, we would sit with our notebooks and write repeatedly, over and over again, at least 100 times daily, MWQD, MWHC, MWAC over and over again, filling up 4 pages daily was out goal.
He wrote it much more than I did, more often too, and we both did it for July, August, and September everyday, every evening. Never did we waiver. In the bathroom, we both repeated it out loud several times. He started a 2nd pad and got half way through it. I did fill up my notebook too.

In October, after not hearing from her for 4 months, after the divorce was final, after they had both dated others, she phoned him on a Thursday evening. She said a major storm was coming to Orlando and that the entire city was being evacuated. She said she had no money and no job and no where to go. She told him to ask his dad if she could come spend the weekend at my house, to stay on the sofa, just for the weekend. (I had no spare bed room, other than Matt's room)
He told her that he just got a new fishing boat and a new tent, and was taking it camping over the weekend at a large major lake. And he invited her to go with him camping, and she agreed to meet him at the lake.
Well, they went to the lake, they had sex in the tent only once, he said, they argued and fought most of the time, and after two days, he came home and she went back to Florida. 6 weeks later, in mid November, at the age of 40, she phoned him and said GUESS WHAT? I AM PREGNANT!
She agreed to quit the dope, and she did, she agreed to attend church and they did. She agreed to keep the child and not terminate the pregnancy. They remarried and have a 6 year old son now, named Aaron.

I could give you two more examples of this, but I am tired of typing.
I won't debate or argue it, that is just not me.

I have always been a pretty positive person especially considering i have had alot of negative issues (deaths,familiy members depression,negativity)... and I believe it has helped me out alot to stay positive and focus on the good things.... One of the biggest things I can say really helps me out is comedy as well being humorous around others...IT seems to release positve chemicals into your body (dopamine? which if my memory serves correct body produces naturally) and make you feel real good especially when others around you are laughing... Nice roseman... I think that can show people out there a better way to look at lifes puzzles...Its just so crazy how man started from drawing on stones to tell stories to blogging on internet and providing knowledge at the tips of there fingers.

++Roseman if your still on this thread.. and not to hijack this in anyway...but I am still having problem with my dwc grow..I dont know what to do+++

Anyways I am not arguing.. to each to his own.. I just think that it is crazy how we only use a portion of our own brain.. and what our possible extent could go if we only knew what our minds were capable of at its fullest use extent allowed. .
uhh, I don't know who told you we only use a portion of our brain, but that's simply not true. We use all of it. It's just becoming slightly more efficient as evolution tugs along....we use it all....just better than the Neanderthal.
uhh, I don't know who told you we only use a portion of our brain, but that's simply not true. We use all of it. It's just becoming slightly more efficient as evolution tugs along....we use it all....just better than the Neanderthal.

Yes, roughly the Average person only uses 10-12% of their brain Capacity potential.. The Goal is being able to use 100% of it's potential..,

CJ you don't have to put him Down, to elevate yourself, that's what Neanderthals,do.... All you had to do was pick him up, and Give him the correct answer, that's what modern Civilized Humans do...

Actually, we do use the whole enitirety of our brains.. Just more efficient than
pre-historic Man.. see the difference, being Positive, now, he will admire you for giving him a Greater insight of the Truth instead of thinking you are a snobbish Ass, trying to be Right :mrgreen:

don't try to argue on this thread with me too, I'm about to post something on the Proof thread, you can funnel your comeback as well into.., See Ya!!
