Elite Rolling Society
It's a lost cause, man.
In an argument with a man who knows no wrong, you can either be wrong or you can be wrong.

It's a lost cause, man.
In an argument with a man who knows no wrong, you can either be wrong or you can be wrong.
well u are on here acting like we are selling a book, we are discussing what it talks about, not the economic value of someones train of thought,
It's a lost cause, man.
In an argument with a man who knows no wrong, you can either be wrong or you can be wrong.
so the message i think is what u think becomes reality, and obviously there is an extent in which it goes to, but if you want to reply, you will replyand you will also become what you are, and who you are around, if you haven't already, me too
im more of techy when i look at it i guess, you can read almost anything on the internet, free of charge, knowledge is free, i see what u r sayin, id like to just talk about the things that i can speak for, from that message, or many, however, some of it is great stuff,
people should not be sold on anything that is trying to be sold though, so there i think i understand your stand, understand your stand, ha, but remember technology is your friend
As Dawkins said, "It's good to have an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out."(5) What harm does it do to simply let people believe in silly things? Why do you take away their pleasant delusions?
The potential harm is very real, and dangerous. Belief in such obvious flummeries as astrology or fortune-telling can appear — quite incorrectly — to give confirmatory results, and that can lead to the victim pursuing more dangerous, expensive, and often health-related scams. Blind belief can be comforting, but it can easily cripple reason and productivity, and stop intellectual progress. We at JREF never try to impose our beliefs or philosophies on others; we only try to inform them, and suggest that there are alternate choices to be made. Examples of personal tragedies resulting from an uncritical embrace of supernatural claims, are plentiful.
La la la I can't hear you!
That's a shame. I was going to tell you that your avatar has caught fire.
More power to anyone that would like to ignore any posts. I don't find the "La la la I can't hear you!" approach all that effective, but 9/10 four year olds would probably challenge me on that
As has been stated above, there is nothing wrong with positive thinking. It can't effect your health, your outlook on life, and your interactions with other people and situations.
But positive thinking and magical thinking are not the same thing. James Randi states it very plainly here, in a way that's easily understood:
As Dawkins said, "It's good to have an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out."
When you get down to it, "The Secret" is psychic power silliness, and being featured on Ophrah does not give it credence.
I don't care if the people with their (figurative) fingers in their ears ever see this. If you can't rationalize out that you're being sold a fake bill of goods, you're probably unreachable until your wallet is empty. But if someone else comes along and sees the thread and says, "My money is better spent elsewhere, and maybe I should think more on things like this before falling for them." then mission accomplished.
Keep thinking positively, but not magically.
The selling is inside the book..... no?
oh well, who cares? Are they both females? I wonder why they have females on their Avatars made me think? maybe they are just.....well, females. LOL you know how females are and can be more often? Negative as the dark.