The Secret Garden- Twin Blackstar 240.


Well-Known Member
Decided to take a look at the girls with the loop. I was surprised to find that Purple W and Lemon both ~40 % amber. Which is around what I was shooting for.


Well-Known Member
you need to to take that top loupe pic and make arrows pointing at the amber, clear, and cloudy tricombs, that is the best pic ive seen that clearly shows the differences between the 3! good shot!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was going to wait until next wed. but I'm going to chop those two tonight. Skywalker is going to wait until Wed full moon for sure. I might just trim tops and let bottoms develop more because I just showed the gf how to trim with a branch from PW and the bottom buds where all pretty disappointing.


Well-Known Member
you need to to take that top loupe pic and make arrows pointing at the amber, clear, and cloudy tricombs, that is the best pic ive seen that clearly shows the differences between the 3! good shot!
Thanks! I'll do just that... when my gf isn't hovering over me telling me to get in the shower so we can go for margaritas and see breaking dawn (margaritas my condition on going)


Well-Known Member
Chop Chop!!! I cut down all of purple wreck and Left the lower half of Lemon OG so the buds could mature up until next Wed full moon when I also chop skywalker. Lemon OG
The subjects.
The help
The Trim
The Method
Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your booty!
The rewards.
176 grams Purp left, lemon right
Between the siscor hash and the keif I'm blazed as fuck so forgive me. :p


Well-Known Member
Sorry it's jumbled, it's not how I posted it. I fixed it... and it jumbled it again. I give up. Damn buggy site.


Well-Known Member
having humidity issues in the closet. House is just too damn dry.
Average was 38% humidity and 72f Bud's where drying too fast. My test branch broke by 5 days and was over dry. Today I did something about it before these completely dried out. I used a tall box, small comp fan, cool mist humidifier and fresh clipped fan leaves. finally got humidity up to 46% in the dry box. The Box
Kaz coolmist humidifier. (had it from previous hobby)
I can't complain about the frost. A little disappointing in overall yield but my next round should yield much better. I just hope the box doesn't add a cardboard taste to the herb.


Well-Known Member
Day 14 Flower Chocolope
Purple wreck clone (last run)
Short squat Purple Haze
My hawaiian BS FIM didn't take and she continued up. While she was still pliable I tied her down and around so bottoms would get light.
Still will have a main cola though.
Bottom half of Lemon OG is ripening up.
Skywalker still smell's amazing!
My tester branch finally dried. Retained its smell. Put it into the cure jar with my purple wreck to help re moisturize it. Yes it is still very hairy. This thing could easily go 10 weeks on me but... I need to room so, chop chop full moon tomorrow night!


Well-Known Member
Not near... maybe tax return I will get some Lumigrow's or what ever they are called.Xmas is going to have me pretty broke for a while. I would like to swap out the haight in the tv for a t5 unit and move the other led panel up to flower room.


Well-Known Member
Oh, btw, I got my PH issues nailed down. Been sitting between 6.4-6.5 When I disposed of PW I was shocked to see the root mass. No wonder she looked like shit. Not sure if it was root rot, the gnats or what but considering when she was a sprout she popped roots out the bottom of a 3gal smart pot to those sickly looking things something was def wrong they would have fit in a party cup.


Well-Known Member
no worry about your buds tasting like cardboard box ,... your buds are drying ,... doing just the opposite of absorbing. Use Glass to cure though.


Well-Known Member
no worry about your buds tasting like cardboard box ,... your buds are drying ,... doing just the opposite of absorbing. Use Glass to cure though.
Absolutely. I got lots of jars ready. I think by tomorrow night they will be ready for jars... Not really happy about that but I have to make due with my current humidity.