So where did you come up with your unique theory that Obama is not American?
Here is the OFFICIAL government site for the bill of rights:
Not only does it have a transcript, it also has high resolution pics of the actual document. So no I don't think that it matters much that a dumbed down copy (possibly for the benefit of a quick look up for kids doing a paper for school) on the link you provided is a big deal.
If someone insignificant questioned your being an American, after you already did the nessecary paperwork to prove to the government your an American citizen, and then went a step further and posted your birth certificate on the internet, would/could you do anything to 'prove' it further, enough to convince someone that is convinced your not and not going to beleive it anyway?
But your right, I shouldn't have tossed out left/right wing. So your not a right winger, I assumed you were since that was a huge talking points of all the rights media for a while. So I will apologize for that.
The problem is that it's not a Birth Certificate, it is just a Certificate of Live Birth, and to explain again the problems with the Certificate of Live Birth that was posted let me reiterate.
First, it was not posted by Obama, or the Obama Campaign
Second, a COLB is not the same as a Birth Certificate,
Third, it does not prove live birth on Hawaiian Soil, because it was possible for foreign born children to receive it.
Fourth, It does not provide necessary information to verify its authenticity, namely facility and attending physician.
Fifth, If Obama really was a Citizen, then why is he wasting millions trying to block lawsuits demanding access to paperwork that would allow for the verification of his citizenship, unless he has something to hide (such as not being a citizen, which would mean that he engaged in a great many federal felonies, ranging from wire and securities fraud, to false advertising?)
Sixth, If Obama really was a Citizen, why has the media been caught so many times changing where he was born?
Seventh, Are you really stating that 400,000 citizens ranging from Officers in the Military, to businessmen, politicians (on both sides), lawyers, and common citizens are incorrect in their desire to see proof that Obama is a Citizen? Regardless of his desires, the moment he decided to become a public figure, he allowed the public carte blanche to investigate is claims. Something that he is fighting, quite possible because he not only lied about his agenda, but lied about his credentials.
No, the question is a valid one, and should concern any one that has consistently has had to answer the same question when they seek to get a drivers' license, which for the average American requires showing proof of identity, via a Birth Certificate issued by whatever State they were born in.
President, we aren't even sure who the hell he is...
Barry Soetoro, Barrack Hussein Obama, or perhaps we can just address him as Tyrannus Rex, because it is clear with his unAmerican usage of the disgusting term Czar to describe mere bureaucrats that he is not American, does not understand the Republic or its Constitution (despite his claims to being a Constitutional Liar, or Lawyer), and does not respect the rights that this country was built upon, namely the rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Clearly, he does not understand that the Constitution was intended to prevent the creation of a Welfare-State that pursues its idiocy by stealing from those that produce to give to the lazy.
He has been taped as accusing the Constitution of being full of "Negative Rights" when the truth is that it is a document intended to define the limits upon the Federal Government, and thus preserve the Federal Democratic Republic that is the United States.
Of course, his knowledge of the Constitution might be so basic that he never got beyond the original text, towards studying the Bill of Rights.