the sandwich game

@bu$hleaguer prolly has a sandwich press, he's a professional
Yes but @Metasynth has an entire flat top! It could handle those fifty ingredients and I want an excuse to get some of his grilled trout.

cigarette butts put out on a fetus
I'm sensing a trend here.......

My ingredient would be necrotizing fasciitis of the bowel or a 28 day decomp, sort of the same difference but vive la difference. If you wish to be grossed out.

If you wish nice let's go with fermented garlic. That shit is good! Damn you @Unclebaldrick
i remember when there was a 3 post in a row rule... that still in effect?

I hope so with that sig!

Two seizures in twenty minutes.
At least it's not blinking at the frequency I seize at.