The roulette/casino thread for losers

The double digit single digit annihilation

It starts at 25 then goes single digit, double digit, single digit, double digit pattern which breaks on 2 double digit numbers

If you understand this you're a genius, I don't know too much on how it works but it does, and that's all I need to know.

Talk to me

Another little cool bet I discovered for you all to test (on a sim fun money only)

The curious life of my zero
What happens the few spins after zero drops

No idea why, it has no maths or laws connected to it other than the laws of wtf ! But when a zero lands the next few spins after 90% of the time (tested 1000 times and more) it likes to go really high or really low, like 1st double street and last double street.

Insane but true and i dunno why it does this, it just does, maybe it's a gift from god because i'm such a good boy :/

This is from a live online casino today

1st zero goes 31, 21 high enough
2nd zero goes 31, 35 high enough
3rd zero goes 36,35,19 high enough


4th zero goes 26,9,2,6 high and low enough
5th zero goes 8,5 low enough
6th zero goes 5,25,24 low and high enough


7th zero goes 16(not good) 32, 31 eventually high enough
8th zero goes 6,4 low enough

169356910014928188 (1).png

9th zero goes 13(not good) 9,32,4,29 low and high enough
10th zero goes 21,34,34,32,25,9,34 i say no more on this jackpot lol
11th zero goes 31,19 high enough

169356910014928188 (2).png

Pretty much 1 unit on 1st dozen and 1 unit on 3rd dozen for this one, martingale is small and hardly ever as you can see in the results above.

Tested 1000's of times with the same results 90% win rate guaranteed ... A late xmas present for everyone.

If there's a time and a place to use an old classic gif then this is it ... Lady luck is a thing of the past, stop gambling start predicting !!

Hello, everyone. I love roulette. It is believed that roulette is the least likely to win, but that is what makes it the most interesting. i used to spend almost every weekend in a casino. Of course, I lost a lot of money there, but there were also days when I hit the jackpot. Moreover, I enjoyed the atmosphere and the game regardless of the outcome.