Zaehet Strife
Well-Known Member
So i've got this friend, every time we've hung out we just get together, drink a few beers and play some old school nintendo games. well last night he had gotten a few extra in him and we went upstairs where his brother and his girlfriend/girltoy were watching a movie. out of the blue my buddy starts talkin shit to the girl. at first im waiting for the brother to start sticking up for her, but he doesnt say anything at all. im about to jump in and say ok buddy thats enough. but then i start thinking, well what if this girl had stolen something from him, or maybe they had some problems in the past and she fucked him over or something? what if i dont know the whole truth about the situation and i butt in and get into a fist fight with a friend about something that he has some reason to be that way with? what if i lay him out and his brother jumps on me? i mean, i am in their home. i just cant believe his brothers wasnt sticking up for her. so instead of saying some shit, i just said ok, im outta here. and i left. but when i got home i could hardly fall asleep because i feel like i didnt do the right thing. i keep trying to justify my walking away like, well i didnt want anyone to get physically hurt, maybe he was just too drunk, i could have gotten the shit beat outta me, the girl could have freaked out and called the cops and i could have went to jail...
i try to tell myself, sometimes the best decision to make is to choose to walk away. but i cant help the nagging feeling that i could have done something different, or i could have stuck up for her... but it really wasnt me sticking up for her. it was me sticking up for what is right. and i know that bringing people down and calling people names isnt the right thing to do. should i have said something even though i didnt know what the situation was, and even though there was a 90% chance for a fist fight?
what you guys think, any advice is welcome. like maybe something i could have said to keep from getting in a fight, while also sticking for what is right? im just having a hard time accepting walking away as the right thing to do. help me out if you can dudes, thanks for listening.
i try to tell myself, sometimes the best decision to make is to choose to walk away. but i cant help the nagging feeling that i could have done something different, or i could have stuck up for her... but it really wasnt me sticking up for her. it was me sticking up for what is right. and i know that bringing people down and calling people names isnt the right thing to do. should i have said something even though i didnt know what the situation was, and even though there was a 90% chance for a fist fight?
what you guys think, any advice is welcome. like maybe something i could have said to keep from getting in a fight, while also sticking for what is right? im just having a hard time accepting walking away as the right thing to do. help me out if you can dudes, thanks for listening.