If your going to home depot or some box store look for pro mix hp and amend or feed as needed.I'm growing in 5 gallon buckets outside. What is the right dirt to use for starting the plants indoors and transferring them to buckets. Looking to by at Agway or home depot. If other options are good, let me know. Thanks again.
I'm starting them inside, but I read not to use miracle grow because of the high nitrogen content in it. Says it burns the plant. I grew last year for the first time in my garden. Even though I started late ( for lack of knowledge) I used epsom salt in dirt and as a spray. The flowers and small buds were heavy frosted, smooth and no cough.Pro mix or Miracle Grow moisture control is about the best thing to come out of home depot.
Why not start them in 50 cent peat pellets also bought at home depot and transfer when ready
I was going to check that out but the website seems to be null and void.
Yeah it seems to not be setup. He is on Facebook though.I was going to check that out but the website seems to be null and void.
I have been searching for simple nearly hands off approach and you my friend have nailed it for me! Thank you doesn’t seem like enough!I started 10 years ago with hydro until I had a pump failure and ruined a whole crop. I decided then I needed a more simple way to grow, DIRT! I stay away from the box stores and have been using a formula for 9 years that will produce thru your complete grow period without having to add nutes. I buy Fox Farm products after trying others. They are consistent with their product and have always been super productive. I buy 1.5 cu.ft. Ocean Forrest and 2.0 cu.ft. Happy Frog. Mix with 2 cups of perlite and this will carry you from sprout to harvest. If you are using 5 gallon buckets be sure and aerate (drill holes in the sides near the bottom) and always put about an inch of gravel at the bottom. This will keep you from the deadly root rot. This mixture is good both inside and out. I did not come up with this, I found it one night while I was chasing a rabbit down a hole on the www and ran across an article about the mix. Enjoy the pics. Double Kola - Bubba Kush, Single Kola - Peyote Cookies