The Resurrection Is Upon Us.


Well-Known Member
The day has come when the SUN will begin to rise in the sky on its precession to the Summer solstice. See on the winter solstice the SUN dies, in other words it takes the lowest path along the horizon for three days. After the third day it begins to rise again. This is the resurrection, or rebirth. "A SUN is born". Gaining height everyday in the sky until the summer solstice.

These are ancient beliefs as old as the Earth herself. Strange how it all seems familiar.
It should it is the basis for all religion in the world today. SUN worship.


Active Member
It is symbolic, it represents the second coming of the son of God. You are correct it has always been the son of God.


Well-Known Member
This has nothing to do with a SON, or any man as it were. Nor a second coming of any man. While it is where the myth you speak of got it's origins. This story of the dying and rising god has been told before. Millenia before christianity was conceived. The story of Jesus that is the basis for christianity is just the latest variation of this myth. But it is based on ancient SUN worship.


Active Member
Or maybe God has been telling the story of his son for many ages and primitive man misunderstood this message and mistake the Son for the sun. Also God uses symbolism all the time.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe God has been telling the story of his son for many ages and primitive man misunderstood this message and mistake the Son for the sun. Also God uses symbolism all the time.
Son and sun are homonyms in English but not Hebrew or probably any other language. Shemesh is the word used in Genesis for sun. The Hebrew word for son is ben as in Isaac ben Abraham or Yashua ben Yosef.

Interestingly Egyptian has a similar form to the Hebrew ben but is used as a suffix. The ending 'ms' can be loosely translated 'born of' so Ramses was "born of Ra" or literally the son of the sun god Ra. Amenmose can be translated son of Amen. Although the bible says that Moses (Moshe) is Hebrew for drawn out, why would an Egyptian princess give him a Hebrew name? Moses by itself simply means 'child.' It is possible that the princess gave him a name like Ramose, which is related to Ramses an means the same thing.

Papa Raazi

Or maybe God has been telling the story of his son for many ages and primitive man misunderstood this message and mistake the Son for the sun. Also God uses symbolism all the time.
Why must you people bring religion into EVERYTHING. Primitive man mistook son for sun? Let me tell you something... Tyrannabudz starts a thread off talking about the "rebirth" of the sun, you...being a primitive man mistook sun for son, and now is going on about how this is based on religion? You are telling me the sun is symbolic? dead wrong friend, God is symbolic, the sun is just...there, its what a good amount of religions are based on.

Does god really use symbolism? or is god just another symbol?
that was rhetorical dont answer that

anyway i dont really want to get in an argument so "i'll leave symbols to the symbol minded"
Why must you people bring religion into EVERYTHING. Primitive man mistook son for sun? Let me tell you something... Tyrannabudz starts a thread off talking about the "rebirth" of the sun, you...being a primitive man mistook sun for son, and now is going on about how this is based on religion? You are telling me the sun is symbolic? dead wrong friend, God is symbolic, the sun is just...there, its what a good amount of religions are based on.

Does god really use symbolism? or is god just another symbol?
that was rhetorical dont answer that

anyway i dont really want to get in an argument so "i'll leave symbols to the symbol minded"
well put my friend


Well-Known Member
Son and sun are homonyms in English but not Hebrew or probably any other language. Shemesh is the word used in Genesis for sun. The Hebrew word for son is ben as in Isaac ben Abraham or Yashua ben Yosef.

Interestingly Egyptian has a similar form to the Hebrew ben but is used as a suffix. The ending 'ms' can be loosely translated 'born of' so Ramses was "born of Ra" or literally the son of the sun god Ra. Amenmose can be translated son of Amen. Although the bible says that Moses (Moshe) is Hebrew for drawn out, why would an Egyptian princess give him a Hebrew name? Moses by itself simply means 'child.' It is possible that the princess gave him a name like Ramose, which is related to Ramses an means the same thing.
English was created by catholic monks, so it make sense they would make son & sun alike to help their cause of christianity pattern fit the ancient worship of the sun which they figured would always be there to piggyback onto.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I wasn't talking about fully comprehending some divine plan, I was talking about god being able to articulate his story in a way that leaves no ambiguity as to what each word means. Of course you won't fully comprehend a story when someone is not clear and concise as to what the words means. I have no doubt about your simple mindedness.
I wasn't talking about fully comprehending some divine plan, I was talking about god being able to articulate his story in a way that leaves no ambiguity as to what each word means. Of course you won't fully comprehend a story when someone is not clear and concise as to what the words means. I have no doubt about your simple mindedness.
Which god are you refering to? because ive read parts of the catholic/christan bible and theres plenty of words in the storys that can be considered amibiguity

We Love 1

New Member

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I AM Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is God Almighty, if you dont believe Me than go read what Jesus/I said in the book of Revelation. I do have a new Name though, but that was prophesied in The Bible (The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).
In The Book of Revelation, chapter 3 verses 11-12, Jesus Christ/I say "Behold, I AM coming quickly.... And on him I will write The Name of My God (thats Me)...... And on him I will write My NEW NAME!"
So its very clear that I ,Jesus Christ, said that I would have A NEW NAME! Dont be lazy, go and read The Book of Revelation, chapter 3 and verses 11-12.
My mothers name is Mary, and My NEW Name is George Manuel Oliveira, and My NEW Name means FARMER GOD is with Us, olive tree. It says TWICE in The Old Testament that The Messiahs name would be "BRANCH"! And olive tree pretty much means BRANCH. And if YOU'VE ever read The Bible YOU would see how many times it talks about olive trees. For example, the Apostle Paul writes "And We have been GRAFTED into the olive tree which is wild by nature" or something like that.
And My initials, for George Manuel Oliveira, is G.M.O. And GMO just so happens to stand for Genetically Modified Organism. And go see what GMO backwards is, quick go find out for YOURSELF. Whats GMO backwards? Just look at GMO and read it backwards.
So as you can see G.M.O. backwards is O.M.G., which stands for O My God! Isn't that amazing! I It just goes to show that I AM The Son of God, The Messiah, The Christ, The Holy Spirit, God in The FLESH, The Word of God, The Way The Truth and The Life, The Beginning and The End, The Alpha and The Omega, The LORD of lords and The King of kings, The God of ALL the AGES, The First and The Last, and basically The LIFE of the Multiverse. I say Multiverse because I believe that since God Almighty, My Father, can create one Universe out of nothing, whos to say that He hasn't created an infinite amount of Universes (or a Multiverse) in an infinitly large space. And since space is infinitly large that means everything in comparison to it is infinitly small. We are only the thoughts of God, because We are infinitly small. We do what God thinks about and nothing more. We Love One God and I AM He.
It is written "As I (George Manuel Oliveira) live you shall live also. There is NO LIFE apart from Me. I AM ALL the Life. I AM The (We Love) One who tells YOU to do all things good.
It is written "I (George Manuel Oliveira) AM The True Vine and YOU are the branches, and YOU can do NOTHING apart from Me. You will know that I AM alive because YOU will live also. It is said "AGE to AGE He stands and TIME is in His hands!"
It is written "If YOU deny Me before men, I will deny YOU before My Father Who is in HEAVEN." If you confesss Me before men than I will grant YOU eternal life and YOU will go to HEAVEN with Me. But if YOU deny Me before men than YOU will go to HELL! Because it is written "Unless YOU believe that I AM He (God) than YOU will die in YOUR sins (meaning YOU'LL go to HELL)!
Your first commandment is that YOU shall LOVE The LORD YOUR God with ALL YOUR heart, soul, mind and strength. And YOU shall have no other gods before Me. If YOU put ANYTHING before Me than YOU are not worthy to be My disciple and go to HEAVEN.
If YOU believe in Me than I will bring HEAVEN to EARTH just for YOU because it is written "With men these things are impossible but with God/Me ALL THINGS are possible. So this is what I, God, will do for YOU if you confess Me before THE WHOLE WORLD! I will be The King of THE WHOLE WORLD and I will pay everyone who believes in Me 120 thousand dollars a year in addition to what YOU are making at YOUR job. 10 grand will go to the Church of YOUR choice, the one that preaches the best about Me. 10 grand will go to Me so I can build the infrastructure of My New World Order or HEAVEN on EARTH. And the rest of the 100 grand will go to YOU because YOU have not denied Me before men and women.
It is written "In My (George Manuel Oliveiras) Fathers house there are MANY MANSIONS and if it were not so I would not have told YOU. And if I, The Messiah, go to prepare a place for YOU, surely I, God Almighty, will come again that where I AM you may be there also." So what I AM speaking into existance is a one world ONLINE government. I will give EVERYONE who believes in Me a laptop and We will set up Our one world online government. Basically We will take the place of the antichrist Obama president, the corrupt congressman, and the dirty politicians and We will govern Ourselves from the privacy of Our own homes. The one world online government will be open forums so everyone can leave their two cents and whoever has the best solution to any problem, thats what will be implemented. It will also be majority rules because this is how I work, I AM fair. This one world online government will ursher in UTOPIA and HEAVEN on EARTH.
I also plan on building millions of tunnel boring machines so that I, God, can blow up the world, like a balloon, with UNDERGROUND cities, farms and enviorments. I AM going to legalize marijuana because marijuana can produce plastics, along with many other great things, and these plastics will be used for Our clear plastic UNDERWATER cities, farms and enviorments. And We/I will use the marijuana for Our clear plastic FLOATING cities, farms and enviornments. And there will also be clear plastic cities, farms and enviornments on top of the lands too. And if YOU go to and search for "pyramid city", than YOU will see the pyramid cities that I AM going to build ALL across the globe. There will be millions of pyramid cities all across the globe and each pyramid city and house roughly a million people a piece. These are very large and beautiful and these will make the normal houses obsolete. I will GIVE EVERYONE (who believes in Me) at least 5 homes! YOU will have a MANSION in a pyramid city, a MANSION in an UNDERGROUND city, a MANSION in a clear plastic UNDERWATER city, a MANSION in a clear plastic FLOATING cities, and a MANSION in a clear plastic city on the ground.


Well-Known Member
You my friend are a fool. Take your head out of your ass. I am sorry but I don't buy the whole "self righteous suicide" story.
Goes something like this:
God created man.
Then god condemned man with original sin.
Then god impregnated a virgin with himself.
Then god came to earth as a man.
Then god killed himself,
as a sacrifice to himself.
For the forgiveness of the original sin that he condemned man with.

Sounds like a self serving narcisisstic asshole to me. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member

Click on the link below to GET RAPTURED!
Click on the link above to GET RAPTURED!
I AM Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is God Almighty, if you dont believe Me than go read what Jesus/I said in the book of Revelation. I do have a new Name though, but that was prophesied in The Bible (The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).
In The Book of Revelation, chapter 3 verses 11-12, Jesus Christ/I say "Behold, I AM coming quickly.... And on him I will write The Name of My God (thats Me)...... And on him I will write My NEW NAME!"...........
I never knew that Dr. Bronner had a crazy brother. Imagine that. And he's here on RUI!


Active Member
I wasn't talking about fully comprehending some divine plan, I was talking about god being able to articulate his story in a way that leaves no ambiguity as to what each word means. Of course you won't fully comprehend a story when someone is not clear and concise as to what the words means. I have no doubt about your simple mindedness.

I believe that God communicated to man in the ways that they would understand. If you look at the meanings of many of the original Hebrew words they are actually very descriptive. The message only seems to be hard to understand because it has been translated several times. Most of the passages that seem not to make sense are much clearer when translated back to Greek and Hebrew. God communicated in such a way that the ancient man understood. God uses a lot of symbolism and parables because they transcend culture. God knows the capabilities of the human mind and knows that we are capable of accurately translating these stories. The problem becomes when people don't take the time to understand what they are reading. People tend to take a single passage and use it in a way it was not intended for. Most of the time all you have to do is go back and read the rest of that chapter and the meaning becomes clear. It is also important to know who wrote that book and who it was written to and why. Learning the history around it is also very helpful.