The Rep-olution is Over.....We have been crushed by the man!!!


Well-Known Member
Shit no..not mine...mines a big sucker. My ass would scare the leaves off your plant and turn the soil to clay...when I get a camera .......I'll KILL you all :):):):):)


Well-Known Member
Ya I tried to rep and some dude wearing a ball of cats showed up at my door. Who was that (catball) masked man....:o fdd..was that you, you sneaky fuck......Aw shit ..that wasn't personal, now I've done it....wait there's a knock at the door..what's that ? I hear cats... Aren't they cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...O GoD please stop :)


Well-Known Member
Hell he wasn't making a cat house...It's a barracks for his pussy posse......the one that purrs........get your minds out of the gutter........ Thats it I'm buying a dog.....fdd where are yooooooooou ????????????? :)


Well-Known Member
I like to imagine fdd being pulled along by a buncha cats on leashes, the way they do dogs when they're hunting someone. That's how I picture fdd hunting down the rep whores, and beating them into submission

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
What's this about you being only 22?! That can't be right... so much wisdow, so soon... guess you're the young'n in our group... lol



Well-Known Member
lol, I've always been the young one in whatever group I'm in, lol, I tend to hang out with the big boys. And as for my wisdom, it's probably residual from my previous lives.


Well-Known Member
I'm the old fossil.........Well suck me dry and call me dusty.....:) Woooo Hooooo just checked I earned 20 errrrrr ahmmmmm oooooooo eeeeeeeeee
today.......Yaaaaaaaaaaaa ! shhhhhhhhhhh !:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
fdd, are you sure that's not you yelling? Cuz that's how I imagine you now, since you started scaring me....

EDIT: lol, I'll fucking END you!


Well-Known Member
If I yelled at my cat like that he'd wait till I'm doing the dishes then he come flying out of nowhere and rip me a new asshole and purr while doing it