the reason im growing


Active Member
3 weeks ago tomorrow i had a little accident, i was leaving my gf's house and shut the door behind me, as i was closing the door my finger got caught on the metal latch bit and just as the door closed i pulled my finger away resulting in the end of my finger being ripped off..
I went to A&E tht nite but was sent away with orders to go to reddict hospital at 7 the next morning because they have hand specialists there.
I was in theatre by 12 cus they had to chop off the bone tht was sticking out and stitch the top together..
This all means tht i get a while off work and college to do wat i want...

I woke up at 2 this morning cus it was really itching under the bandage an i had to take it off, as it was off i thought id take a quick pic to show u guys :)

My Finger

(here is a link to the picture cus i understand some ppl mite nt wanna see it)



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Damn, a door did that, oucheee. I hope you have some nice bud or something to kill that pain. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Damn man... That's gotta fucking hurt. Get some kind bud and you'll swear the tip of your finger was still attached. hahaha. Hope things work out for ya.


Well-Known Member
thank you for posting the link and NOT the pic. i chose not to click it. :)

sounds like it sucks. i pedaled the end of my finger thru my bicycle chain and sprocket back when i was younger. frickin' hurt. i wish you the best.


Well-Known Member
You're lucky... I got 'curious'. Now I'm stoned and still not hungry... :spew:

It was quite a narly sight... hahaha


Well-Known Member
holy fuck man a door did that?!?! it looks like it was chewed off by an animal or man..i'd rather find a bs excuse to get a medical license than lose a finger tip :( :( sorry bout that.....


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you have cannabis to help you through this man, thats shocking that a door can do that to you : [

IS there hope for your finger back?


Well-Known Member
sorry buddy but your fingers are not lizard tails. Yes, they can reattach fingers but he already said they had to chop off some of the bone to stich it up. I would take from that, they didn't try reattaching anything.


Active Member
lol cheers for the support guys, im glad u like it..

tht pictures with the stitches, 3 weeks into healing! :):peace: