the real way to know how many weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
^^^If that were the case then this plant would still have another four or five weeks.
Beautiful looking plants....They look primo!! What strain? How long have they been flowering?

Is that the Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth mentioned earlier that you have been flowering 8 weeks? Another 4-5 would be 13 weeks...What are you talking about?
Im a straight noobie, what is this sign of sex? I have femonized seeds.. So when i swiych them to 12/12 what am i lookin for? Asside from bud..


Well-Known Member
dude so what ur saying is a plant only shows sex in flower thats not right all my mothers show sex in 24 so there would be no reveging because they never left veg i would say that if a plant isnt showing when it goes into flower then yea count from whenever you see its sex but if its already showing when it hits flower then count from day one of flower thats how i see it
of course there would be a veg time - if you take clones you need to develop a root system - so you need time to do that - call it "veg" or whatever you want, you can't count root development time as flower time


Well-Known Member
Beautiful looking plants....They look primo!! What strain? How long have they been flowering?

Is that the Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth mentioned earlier that you have been flowering 8 weeks? Another 4-5 would be 13 weeks...What are you talking about?
Well,lets see.
First of all,I never said that they have been flowering for eight weeks,as it STILL hasn't been a full eight weeks.But those pics were even taken a couple of days ago.
Second,you said that you start counting from the day that they start forming buds.Well,you can even check out my grow journal to see that these didn't start to form buds untill about week three.That would mean that this plant has been flowering for 5 1/2 weeks,not 7 1/2.
Barneys Farm says it's a 9-10 week strain and according to you I've only been flowering for 5 1/2 weeks.
You do the math
Thanks for the compliments though.


Well-Known Member
You have to realize there are always exceptions to every rule or guideline. I completely understand what both sides are saying but there is no reason to call the other side names. Just because it doesn't fit your scenario this time doesn't make them wrong 100% of the time. We're not arguing religion and politics after all.

As a side note I do believe that most companies state their times based on the day you induce flowering. A lot of companies also state the earliest possible harvest time to make it seem like a quick harvest when you really should wait an extra week or two to let the girls reach their full potential.


Well-Known Member
Oh and I checked out your grow log Huh. It's hard to tell because there weren't any close up shots at the growth tips but the third pic on the 15th day there is definitely budding action going on. Not 3 weeks last time I did the math :)

You can go ahead and get pissy with me now

Looking forward to seeing how your flushing experiment turns out though.


in response to the MyKnife guy .....look for two little white hairs to come out of where the branch meets the main trunk..then you know it is going to start may take a week or two after you change the lights to 12/12
Does neone know nething about SWISS CHEESE? I just got my mommy going and Im looking for info on it.. I have a flowering time, but ne suggestions on grow techniques would be sweet.


Well-Known Member
ok ok im sick and tired of hearing this phrase (my plants are 9 weeks in and not ready)

then they say 9 weeks from when they switched the lights to 12/12....IM SORRY TO SAY THIS BUT THATS NOT WHEN YOU START COUNTING start counting weeks from when you see the sex of the plant. that why when you send pictures of you plant that you think has been flowering for 9 weeks and people tell you you have 2 or 3 weeks left to go is because a marijuana plant takes anywhere from 1 week to 3 weeks to show its sex and you pot plant is not at 9 weeks but is really 6 or 7 weeks

so don't count from when you flipped over to 12/12 count from when you saw if your plants a girl or a boy. youll get way better results that way.
I don't see the point of this.
80% of the pics people post, you can't see
enough to tell anything other than, yup,
thats marijuana.

It's not like you're gonna say, "ok, you counted properly, so, yes your plant looks done." Versus "No, i'm sorry, you counted from the wrong day, thus your plants not done."

My point is, people are asking for opinions on ripeness. The "flowering" times they give are irrelevant.
To that point, plants and flowering times vary from grower to grower. Guidelines should be general rules of thumb, at best.

Lastly, better results come with learning, on your own, when to harvest, not when to start counting days.


what are trichlomes exatly. the crystals themselves? So your looking for amber in the crystals? Sorry I just wanna get it right.
ya you go to radioshack and get a little microscope and put it up to the bud and there is a little ball at the end of the "crystals" aka trichomes and when some are turning amber they are ready..they actually say peak harvest is when they are cloudy but its kinda hard to tell when they r cloudy wait for just a few to be amber and then you know the rest are opposed to looking clear(like they will be in the earlier weeks)


look at the amber alert thread in the organics section..the subcool guy gives you everything you need to know about trichomes and harvesting


Well-Known Member
You have to realize there are always exceptions to every rule or guideline. I completely understand what both sides are saying but there is no reason to call the other side names. Just because it doesn't fit your scenario this time doesn't make them wrong 100% of the time. We're not arguing religion and politics after all.

As a side note I do believe that most companies state their times based on the day you induce flowering. A lot of companies also state the earliest possible harvest time to make it seem like a quick harvest when you really should wait an extra week or two to let the girls reach their full potential.
Oh and I checked out your grow log Huh. It's hard to tell because there weren't any close up shots at the growth tips but the third pic on the 15th day there is definitely budding action going on. Not 3 weeks last time I did the math :)

You can go ahead and get pissy with me now

Looking forward to seeing how your flushing experiment turns out though.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm,I read my post over and over and still couldn't find where I called anybody names.I was correcting him,if you're gonna quote me(incorrectly might I add) and say my plants are beyond 8 weeks and ask me and I quote "what are you talking about?" then I believe I'm allowed to correct him.
And if you read my post again but closely this time you'll see that I said my plants started showing flowers at about week 3.Sooooooooooooooo,go "check out" my grow log again and look at day 13.Do you see any buds?I'll save you the time and tell you the answer,no because there isn't any.Now go and look at day 15 and there are buds forming,is day 15 not week 3?I don't see where I was incorrect.
Again,I'm not calling anybody names or looking to disrespect people but when you're trying to call me out quoting me saying that I said 3 weeks when I really said the third week(which would be day 15) this is how I respond bro.


Active Member
Doesnt smaller plants ripe faster than bigger plants also? I have a bubba kush two of them flowered at same time and both were showing preflowers before 12/12 but one was vegged for 2 months and other one for 5 weeks.

Smaller one at 5 weeks looks almost ripe and bigger one at 5 weeks still has less trichomes and still in process of hairs and buds filling.


Well-Known Member
Hey Huh now you are misquoting me. I never said your plant were 8 weeks in it was someone else. So you can see how I easily mixed up the week three in three weeks thing. Maybe it's just because it is typed but the tone I get from you is negative and slightly rude and that was what I was trying to point out to you. Of course you may think the same of me cause I am being being a bit of a smartass. You definitely sound like a jackass to me with the long drawn out words though. Argg, see what you made me do? I resorted to name calling. Will this viscous cycle of flaming ever end?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Hey Huh now you are misquoting me. I never said your plant were 8 weeks in it was someone else. So you can see how I easily mixed up the week three in three weeks thing. Maybe it's just because it is typed but the tone I get from you is negative and slightly rude and that was what I was trying to point out to you. Of course you may think the same of me cause I am being being a bit of a smartass. You definitely sound like a jackass to me with the long drawn out words though. Argg, see what you made me do? I resorted to name calling. Will this viscous cycle of flaming ever end?
Put your purses away, no need for that tonight.


Well-Known Member
Hey Huh now you are misquoting me. I never said your plant were 8 weeks in it was someone else. So you can see how I easily mixed up the week three in three weeks thing. Maybe it's just because it is typed but the tone I get from you is negative and slightly rude and that was what I was trying to point out to you. Of course you may think the same of me cause I am being being a bit of a smartass. You definitely sound like a jackass to me with the long drawn out words though. Argg, see what you made me do? I resorted to name calling. Will this viscous cycle of flaming ever end?
Again,I never called anybody names.You are the only person in this thread calling anyone names.
Now,let me break this down for you since I see your comprehension skills aren't the best.
When I said "if you're going to quote me and say my plants are beyond 8 weeks" I didn't literally mean you,I was obviously talking about the person that you jumped in to defend.
So,point out what you may but I have evidence that goes against what you are saying.
And like I said earlier.When you come at me the way you did how do you expect me to react?

Put your purses away, no need for that tonight.
I really never meant for it to turn into this big argument.I was simply trying to bring factual evidence to the table(which is more than anybody else on this thread can say).
You guys are the ones who feel the need to keep insulting people.
Now,I remember why I don't try to bring my knowledge to you online experts