The real cost of religious Faith


Well-Known Member
What I was attempting to say is that someone's view in that respect is not because they are an atheist, which is about what they don't believe, it is because of something else which they take a positive position on. For example, I argue against Xians all of the time. However, I readily admit that I am an anti-theist, anti-Xian, etc. I think most religion causes harm. I actively dislike most religion. The fact that I don't believe in a god is not what drives me to argue that Xianity is full of shit and there is no extra-biblical evidence that Jesus even existed, it's the things I do believe and the positive positions I hold, not the negative ones. My non-stamp collecting does not make me want to argue against philatelists. However, if stamp collectors had a history of violence, prejudice and oppression and actively sought to affect our laws based on whether you were a good philatelist or not and marginalized us non-stamp collectors in society, then not only would I be arguing against stamp collecting but I bet the accusatory term aphilatelist would be common in our lexicon.

I agree with you man, spot on!! Seriously if religion had its way we'd all live in an Orwellian world, hell it seems more and more we're getting there... Big Brother certainly is not watching OUT for ya like they used to (assuming they ever did). I grew up in the bible belt watched an abortion doctor from a friends christian "church" get murdered by a christian nut job for doing his LEGAL job of aborting babies, lady was pro life and justified the killing using Gods name, irony of course that she was pro life!!

What good does religion do really? Outside of giving the weak something to follow and believe in.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
^ I think it'd be cool if people could say 'certain organized religion' when they're saying it is for the weak. 'Cause, really, the term does not have much to do with the modern 'conception' of religion as it is presented by the media :)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member

I agree with you Carl, I agree. Wouldn't it be nice to believe in something for which there is no proof of? It would seem very comforting. Yet, as I have gained the ability to watch my own mind and it's tendency to fool itself... I am burdened with doubt from my experiences without proof... because I know deep down in my heart that they could be wrong.

I would rather live with doubt, than to have answers which might be wrong...