The Rant & Rave Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm sure we would all like to have a centralized place where we can piss and moan or celebrate something cool. How about we get this started. I propose only one ground rule. You can't comment on another person's rant or rave unless it is in the form of a rant or rave.

I'll start off:

RAVE: My girls are starting to get that amber frosted glow about them. I will be chopping Monday.

RANT: Still haven't heard anything from the first resume I submitted. This was supposed to be a contact from my previous employer who was going to "help you out all I can".

Total Head

Well-Known Member
rant: why do my neighbors think i want to hear reggaton at 3 am?

rave: the other day i saw some bitch who thinks she's hard get in a dude's face and dude's girlfriend threw a slush at her and called her a stupid cunt.


Well-Known Member
RAVE: I just realized I'm living the life of a teenager. I have no job, get stoned every day, and sit in my room playing guitar until all hours of the night. How is any of this in any way bad? Because I'm really trying to find a downside here.


Well-Known Member
RANT: fucken people who don't pull over when you're clearly trying to pass them!!!! UGH driving can be so frustrating. i feel angry just thinking about that bitch who was going 10 up the single lane hill.

RAVE: Business is good !!!!!


Well-Known Member
RANT: and I quote: "I am in receipt of your resume and want to thank you for submitting it to(redacted) for review. At the present time, all of our accounts are adequately staffed. However, this is a situation that can change very quickly in our business as we continue to grow with the addition of new accounts as well as expansion our present accounts. With this in mind, I will hold your resume in our active file for the next 90 days. If, during that period of time, a position should become available that would match your skills and experience, I will contact you to see if you are still available to test and interview with us.
In the meantime, Asafan69, thank you again for your interest in (redacted). I hope to have the opportunity to speak with you some time in the near future.

Best regards,"

I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a lot of these e-mails.

RAVE: Weed.



Well-Known Member
sucks dood. i hate those machine generated template letdown emails. i've gotten way too many of them in my life. as they say, it's a numbers game. don't waste time, and submit as many as possible, you will get responses!

RAVE: A cool morning, a big mountain, crisp mountain air...

RANT: people who won't let people make a left turn even when they are comcing up 2 a red light!!


Well-Known Member
RAVE: Harvest time! She's ready! Mostly cloudy to amber trichs.

RAVIER: I have two clones of her, the grow room is dialed in, and the buds are twice the size of the mother I'm harvesting now, and they are at only 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Fuck it. I've done nothing but do chores, ballet and work all week and my dad won't let me sleep at a girl's house on my last weekend before heavy coursework starts.

I was packed and bought DVDs and munch to share with her too...
Rant: people who quit smoking and then get,on a soap box and want to prreach to every one the evils of being a smoker. I hate that shit.

Rave: its friday, and only 2 more hours of work to go


Well-Known Member
sucks dood. i hate those machine generated template letdown emails. i've gotten way too many of them in my life. as they say, it's a numbers game. don't waste time, and submit as many as possible, you will get responses!

RAVE: A cool morning, a big mountain, crisp mountain air...

RANT: people who won't let people make a left turn even when they are comcing up 2 a red light!!
Holy shit.. it's like reading a ghosts' post.


Well-Known Member
Rant: My stomach feels like someone is ripping my insides out. Oh God I hope it was not that egg...

Rave: The weed will make it feel better.


Well-Known Member
People who insist on calling you out/name calling in a forum due to their inability/failure to
read the entire post. It`s called context retard.
I guess it wouldn't be soooo irritating if they did not add insults.
I fucking hate keyboard warriors.
We all know your a lap dog in real life.
NEVER do I run into this kind of in your face bullshit in the real world. Which makes me wonder
where all these opinionated bastards are?
Oh wait,,,,They are online jumping to weird ass conclusions based on some alternate
reality they have clearly dragged with them from when Daddy wouldn't listen to their dipshit
ideas and blew his fucking brains out to escape.


Well-Known Member
People who insist on calling you out/name calling in a forum due to their inability/failure to read the entire post.
It`s called context retard.
I guess it wouldn't be soooo irritating if they did not add insults. I fucking hate keyboard warriors.
We all know your a lap dog in real life, NEVER
do I run into this kind of in your face bullshit in the real world. Which makes me wonder where all these opinionated
bastards are? Oh wait,,,,They are online jumping to weird ass conclusions based on some alternate reality they have clearly
dragged with them from when Daddy wouldn't listen to their dipshit ideas and blew his fucking brains out to escape.
Rant: Hey!! There is nothing wrong with lap dogs...

Rave: :hug: