The Ramen Noodle Thread!!!


Well-Known Member
ah, nothing beats a properly made ramen noodle but lately ive been preferring spegetiO's with meatballs.yum :D


Well-Known Member
So question. Do you guys leave the water in and just add the packet of seasoning or do you strain the water out before adding the packet?

I leave the water in but my roommate has informed me that i'm a freak for doing that.
I do that too. I don't see anything wrong with it. it's better because you can just dunk crackers and shit in there too.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering... anyone here ever make ramen in a coffee pot? I was staying at a hotel that didn't have a kitchenette and the people in the room with me made ramen in the frickin' coffee pot. It was good, too.


Well-Known Member
Im so sick of ramen noodles! Just thinking about eating them makes me sick now. I like actually preparing food, or just nuking something else real quick.


Well-Known Member
Dude, Ramen noodles have been a mainstay of my diet for most of my adult life. I used to buy em by the case at one point. My favorite is shrimp flavor with a little ginger and hot chili sauce thrown in
me too

my fave is oriental.

My daughter is vegetarian and the "top Ramen" brand has no meat, so this is what we get now.

Zeus' Super Duper $2 Peanut Soup.
2 packs of ramen (i like the beef flavour)
1 cup crunchy peanut butter
half an onion
3 cloves garlic
1 tsp hot curry powder
1 generous dollop of cock brand chilli garlic paste
1 green onion for garnish
1/4 cup kechup (trust me)
few dashes of soy sauce.

Heat a large pot to medium and add a small amount of vegetable/canola oil to the pot.
Add thinly sliced onion and minced garlic. (and chicken for the rich)
add Chili paste and peanut butter.
Keep stirring to keep PB from burning.
Once the PB has melted, add water (about 2 litres give or take), ketchup, curry powder (or paste if you're feeling rich.) and soy sauce. Also now is a good time to add the seasoning packets from the ramen.
Cook for 5 minutes just below a simmer (dont want it to break)
Add your noodles and cook for 3-4 minutes. This is an ideal time to burn a quick joint.

Once noodles are cooked, serve topped with sliced green onion and a couple peanuts if you have.

I make this dish at least once a month, usually more. Whenever my friends do a potluck they never let me make anything else, its kinda become my signature dish.

Woooo poverty.
This kicks ass. I tried to give you rep from a fellow ramen chef, but evidently I gave you some recently. I like to do various Asian spins for main course meals my daughter loves. They usually are made with whatever we have. I used to use the same chili garlic as well as the sweet thai chili sauce...but the peanut butter is a great one we will do soon!

Shit ramen noodles when i waz i kid i used to call it boom boom soup haha u kno whats the best? Add a lil egg right before its done yummmm.i wonder if anyone added pot to there ramen before
I do the egg also as it adds nutrition (and flavor) to an otherwise non-nutritious stomach filler.

So here is what I got:

In the early 90's I lived in my '71 VW Bus (sometimes down by the river) and ate A LOT of ramen to the point that it made me gag to even think about it. But like a White Castle Hamburger...deliciously nostalgic now.

In order to be able to swallow...2 packs...broken in half, closer to pack of seasoning in water (do not over cook!)...drain almost all water and add second packet (for one packet cook with half and season with other half)...a little butter or margarine and LOTS of Parmesan think this is gourmet. A tablespoon of sour cream make it even better with lots of cracked pepper

I used to make and sell/trade/give away 550 grilled cheese sandwiches a day at Grateful Dead shows and cheddar cheese was usually in the van. Once while waiting for a Phish show in Berkeley, mixed cheddar cheese and a can of tuna...pretty gross, but if you like tuna...

Saute what ever you have in the fridge...onion, cabbage, garlic, ginger, chile (red pepper flakes or fresh, seeded and finely diced), egg, (again chicken for the rich) soy (a little brown sugar to make it teriyaki)...I use a little seasoned rice wine vinegar for a little sour, but the ketchup is a great flavorful addition for sweet and sour (I actually think ketchup is the quintessential American seasoning/flavoring) Add frozen peas and carrots to ramen while boiling (egg can be done here also) use the same cooking and seasoning as above with the exception of butter and Parmesan. If you have sesame oil use some with the stir fry. Mix noodles/veg with the stir fry and again like SpruceZeus, garnish with green onion if you have them. I throw in some shelled hemp seed for flavor and protein for the veggie daughter. Also a good teaspoon of Chinese five spice make it interesting with flavors that will remind anyone lucky enough to have enjoyed the "Fatty Egg Roll" People's huge yummy egg rolls, of a stroll down Shakedown Street.

I will probably be losing $1000 this month as the school I work for has closed because of swine flu for 2 weeks...we will be eating a little more Ramen in the near future:neutral:

oh and you wanna get that exact packet not the different types they got, it just aint the same, kinda shit actually but the original is the best one
you just put the noodle block into boiling pot of water for about couple minutes or until it seperate and shit you know when noodles look like noodles but you dont want to leave too long otherwise get soggy and rankish but youll find the best way for you after a few times of cookin it
after its done you strain it and drop into ur bowl and then add the ingredients it comes with or put the ingredients into the bowl first then mix it and then get fried and enjoy the fried mi goreng haha
and the dude that rekons we got better variety well i highly doubt it haha man we got nothin here its fukin shit to be honest our aus brand noodles are so shit thats why everyone eats mi goreng


Well-Known Member
for breakfast i just ate this:

one pack of ramen nuked for 3 minutes and drained of water. no season packets at all for this recipie.
then add about 2 table spoons of velveeta cheese or the generic kind like i got. nuke it again for about 1:00 min or so. until the cheese is melted
finally add about 1/2 to 3/4 of a can of tuna.

it tastes exactly like tuna casserol