The question!!


Well-Known Member
Alright so it's that question, I didn't know quite where to put it so I'll put it here. The question is, when to chop? I don't notice any amber lookin trichs yet but I dont' have a scope, what do you all think?
She's been in 12/12 since the beginning of November so about 9 weeks.
The leaves are turning yellow and falling off from the bottom up.



Well-Known Member
dunno if it's sativa or not, that's what a lot of other people are saying though
the hairs look good to me.. I mean, I'm not losing any.


Well-Known Member
they should pull back and wither and the bud fill out, could need longer cause sativa, leave it least til you are runnin out of fans, post pics and i will keep watching.


Well-Known Member
cool, thanks
when I started 12/12 I guesstimated she'll be ready at the end of January/beginning of February. This is my first grow so I needed to test this hypothesis by asking some pros, still looking for feedback from different people but this helps.


Active Member
dude wait to the hairs are 3/4 orangeous red that's when it's time who cares about the bottom leaves the buds feed threw the stock.


Well-Known Member
Plant looks pretty good.

When things are going well, the yellowing only shows on the bottom couple of leaves and as they fall off, the plant starts taking nitrogen out of the next ones up the plant, so maybe there's a bit of a deficiency on yours as all the leaves are yellowing. Doesn't look like anything major though.

Before the days of the internet and all this knowledge sharing, I used to wait until my plants hardly sprouted any new white pistils at the top, then left them 4 or 5 days just to fatten up a bit before I cut them. I'd say you were pretty close to that point.