The pros here to help or take the piss!!????


Well-Known Member
As Herb and Suds alluded to, is it a case that people aren't willing to help or that people don't want to keep providing answers that are readily available due to the frequency with which they are asked?

My experiences have been that more often than not people genuinely want to help other people...however, people like helping people who genuinely need the help... as in its complex or the information is not readily available.....yet those same people get frustrated when repeatedly asked the same question by different people who could easily have found the answer within 5 minutes of looking for it. If you expect the respect of assistance then you also need to respect those you ask help of, particularity their time.

this is a pretty popular forum that has been around for ages, do you think there are a lot of questions a new grower would ask that don't already have dozens of threads asking that question and likely a sticky thread with thousands of posts on the topic?

Or most simply put... if you're not even willing to spend a few minutes searching the forum to help yourself, how do you expect a stranger to help you more than you're willing to help yourself?
This thread should be stickied