The Problems with Free Will & The Bible Don't Read if Anti-God Upsets You


Well-Known Member
If people are evil it is because god has chosen to make them evil (Rom. 1:24-28)
& caused them to disobey him (Rom. 11:32)
If they do not understand God`s message it is because he has made their minds dull (Rom. 11:8)
& caused them to be stubborn (Rom. 9:18)
God prevents the Gospel from being preached in certain areas (Act 16:6-7)
& he fixes long before it will happen when a person will be born & when he or she will die (Act, 17:26)
Those who were going to be saved were chosen by God before the beginning of time (II Tim. 1:9)
If a person has faith and is thereby on their part (Eph. 2:9-10)

Why are we responsible for are sin`s ? If God has chosen us as sinners ? The Bibles answer
But one of you say to me: If this is so ,how can God find fault with anyone? For who can resist God`s will ?
A clay pot does not ask the man who made it: why did you make me like this? After all,the man who makes the pot
has the right to use the clay as he wishes,and to make two pots from one lump of clay, one
for special occasions & one for ordinary use And the same is true of what God has done (Rom. 9:19-22)

Problems of Evil
Their would be no pain or suffering if people followed the ten commandments ?
That would end murder,rape,war & exploitation but we would still have earthquakes floods
epidemics & accidents all of which are natural events
so to say all suffering are the blame of mankind something of a lie

after that christians say well that gods punishment
this implies that terrible things only happen to bad people which certainly isnt true
the news is filled with good "christians" in painful sickness or troubled
so it can not be said that`s god punishment
next we hear that allows us the chance to choose good over bad & be "worthy of salvation"
but i covered that at the start

All of the negative emotions which most cultured people consider unacceptable seem to be found in God

For the Lord is a devouring fire,a jealous God(Deut. 4:24)

Nothing makes God more jealous then when people worship other gods & tells them that they must even kill
our own children if they do this

If your brother,the son of your mother,or your son,daughter,the wife of your bosom or the friend of your own
soul,entices you secretly saying "let us go & serve other gods" which neither you nor your
fathers have known,some of the gods of the people that are around you whether near or far ,
from one end of the earth to the other, you shall not yield to him or listen to him,
nor shall your eyes pity him,NOR SHALL YOU SPARE HIM,nor shall you conceal him ,BUT
YOU SHALL KILL HIM Your hand shall be the first against him to kill him & after that the
others can strike him (Deut. 13:6)

The bible tells us that there is a time for hate & a time for war (Ex. 3:8 )

The Lord is a man of war (Ex. 15:3)

The bible contains dozens of examples of God helping his devotees to slaughter civilian
populations Military commanders doing this today are considered war criminals
(Num. 21:1-3 Num 31:1-12 Deut. 2:32-34 Deut 3:3-7 Josh 11:6-11)

God is easily angered

Serve the Lord with fear & trembling,kiss his feet or else he will get angry & you will perish in the way ,for his wrath
is quicky kindled (Ps. 2:11)

Jesus taught that the world would end within his own lifetime or very soon afterwards

I tell you the truth,this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened (Lk.21:25-33)

On another occasion he again told people

I tell you the truth,some who are standing here will not taste death before they see
the son of man coming in his kingdom (Matt. 16:28)

That generation passed 2000 years ago His prophecies have Long been proved to be wrong

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
However, as god is a fantasy figure, your whole post is focussed on trying to find fault with what an imaginary entity either did or didn't do or did or didn't say.

Seems like a waste of keystrokes to me.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
great job of expression bro, great thinking too. i agree with you wholeheartedly. theology is not the way, nor is it the truth.
Yeah also do not forget that the Catholic church has had and released the bible as they see fit saying what they see is fit so maybe the just use the whole thing to make us ignorant masses? The truth is Violence is the only thing that is truly respected in nature therefore god created violence and it has its purpose but for him its to protect others from evil not some sick pleasure. And free will is free will what if someone who is a sinner decides to become someone who is not a sinner would that not mean that people have both sides in them and they can at will choose which side to follow? Also remember that the "Civilians" that you speak of were raiders and killers. People on death row are civilians does not make them any less dangerous.


Active Member
Sinsay, alot of your comments were based off the Old Testamant. Jesus came to bring a new covenant.

I also have come to understand that man is flawed, also in the area of transalation and writing of the Bible.

Also the Bible has so many meanings and nuance that are hard to understand. They way they said it back 2000 years ago, may be way different than what it means now.

Live your life being good to people, and humble. Try to help others when ever you can. Do not judge others AT ALL.

I realize it is hard not to judge people, but as you get older it becomes easier.

God's peace is a peace that can carry you through rough times, but accepting that peace can be really hard.

Once again age plays into it. I am extremely happy that I have the peace, but am still open for further learning.


Well-Known Member
Christians claim that although the books of the Bible were actually written by different people, these people were inspired and guided by God as they wrote. While contemporary Christians make this claim, the ancient authors of the Bible never did. For example Luke says at the beginning of his Gospel:
Insomuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things which have been accomplished among us it seemed good to me also having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you (Lk 1:1-3).​
Nothing about being filled with the spirit of God either before or while he wrote, he simply says that others had written accounts of the life of Jesus so he thought it might be a good idea if he wrote something also. If he really was inspired by God to write the Gospel why didn't he say so? But the claim of inspiration is not just unsubstantiated, it also raises a very serious problem. Christians are always claiming that in prayer God speaks to them, gives them advice and tells them what to do. They claim that his voice is very direct, very clear and very real. But if they really have no doubt that God is communicating with them surely his words should he recorded and included in the Bible. The Bible contains words God spoken to Moses, Joshua, Matthew, Mark Peter and Paul so why shouldn't the words he speaks to modern day Christians be included also?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
you think you know, you only THINK you know. the only image of god you have ever seen is in your imagination, which is FLAWED. tell me you know anything about god, i tell you your as ignorant of the world as that rock over there. lol, theology makes me sad and laugh at the same time. live your lie bro.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
The last two or three thousand years is a relatively short period of time in human history. It boggles the mind to think that a last ditch effort, by a very old and very tired man, to keep some sort of semblense of a well ordered society, to a group of frustrated and tired people who, after 40 yrs of being chased and eventually hiding out in a very forlorne looking area, that the course of the next couple of millenia can snowball out of one lie......


Well-Known Member
As hard as it is to believe yes it can It has everything people would like to hear Do whatever you want & ask for forgiven for your wrong doing and your forgiven Everyone but you`s & your loved ones are going to hell to burn forever & forever Oh i almost forgot use up & destroy the earth cuz gods on his way back so it dont matter


Well-Known Member
while we are all born unto sin, because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, God doesn't create us as sinners, man did that to himself. However God does provide an answer.... It is simply up to us to accept it or reject it.