Employers do have that right.. as messed up as it is.
It's funny though, how when they force you to get a tetanus vaccine, @ their doctors office of choice ( I did say vaccine not shot, as they force a 3 in 1 on you just for tetanus) because you got cut at work..
Then, a week later you become allergic to the same materials you were working around for months, and they have no choice but to fire you, and get L&I involved.
The whole time everyone thinks its chemicals in the materials the company produces, and you get a large settlement pay out, and for time off work too.
Years later you realize it was the fucking vaccine loaded with aluminum adjuvants that caused you to have the reaction, and break out in a rash for 3 weeks, and not be able to work anywhere in there buildings. Not just from the materials. But by then its too late, and the company already paid you off, and their insurance premiums sky rocketed, and they had to hire a new health manager too. No option to go back and go through the VEARS system instead
The moral of the story is.. People are getting vaccine injured all the time, and the employers and everyone else are paying out big time for the many kinds of injuries, while the vaccine manufacturers have no liability...