The primary role of government?

MOnkeys are cool
Excpet for this bad monkey

Tell me you wouldnt pay 10 bucks to see this
I have already said I am not ok with my money going to incarcerate people who posess plants or powders and I believe I was clear about that. Back to the zoo example I used before. I enjoy the zoo, I don't like the monkeys. The zoo charges 10 dollars admission, I don't insist that the zoo only take 8 dollars because of my particular disinterest in monkeys.

"earning your way out of debt" is the only way that works. Yes, longer perspectives.

A man beats his wife on a regular basis, but every now and then he buys her a dress. Should that one good action erase his beatings of her ? Sooner or later he'll stop right?

A group of people calling themselves government takes your money whether you approve or not and kills people or jails them but they give you a block of cheese now and then. Of course they made the cheese for about 6 times what it could have been purchased for in an open and free market and the money they used was taken from you.

If you are not okay with jailing peaceful people, how come you pay for it ? I think you pay for it because you know they will hurt you if you don't and you'd prefer not to think about that....

In your zoo example, you can decide NOT TO GO to the zoo, right? With the "government zoo", they make you pay whether you don't like monkeys OR if you like monkeys, but there is no option NOT to go to (pay for) their zoo is there? What do we call it when a person must pay under duress for that which they do not want ? I believe the term is extortion.
A man beats his wife on a regular basis, but every now and then he buys her a dress. Should that one good action erase his beatings of her ? Sooner or later he'll stop right?

A group of people calling themselves government takes your money whether you approve or not and kills people or jails them but they give you a block of cheese now and then. Of course they made the cheese for about 6 times what it could have been purchased for in an open and free market and the money they used was taken from you.

If you are not okay with jailing peaceful people, how come you pay for it ? I think you pay for it because you know they will hurt you if you don't and you'd prefer not to think about that....

In your zoo example, you can decide NOT TO GO to the zoo, right? With the "government zoo", they make you pay whether you don't like monkeys OR if you like monkeys, but there is no option NOT to go to (pay for) their zoo is there? What do we call it when a person must pay under duress for that which they do not want ? I believe the term is extortion.

the wife should leave.

A group of people calling themselves the government have been made "the government" by the greater group of people, they didn't just take that possition.

That group doesn't give me a block of cheese now and then, they manage my country for me, they may do a poor job, if they do I will find another group.

So long as you use any facilities of this country, then you pay the entire price of admission, you pay for the monkey cage, I pay for the monkey cage. You don't like the cobras but you pay because you do like the zebras. I like the cobras but I pay for the zebras even though I don't like them because you do. We all pay for all of the zoo so that we can enjoy the parts we like and ignore the parts we don't.
Show me Jesus on a dinosaur and I'll be impressed....


Dinosaurs were the first creatures kicked out of the Garden of Eden when a T-Rex ate Adam’s first wife Lilith whole. Later, God sent a great flood which wiped out all the large repto-birds in a sort of Dino-holocaust. But when Jesus came to earth his blood cleansed all that God had cursed. That meant dinosaurs could finally get through the gates to Jurassic Heaven and into the loving arms of the Lord. Less fortunate however were the unicorns as gays are still not allowed beyond the pearly gates.
the wife should leave.

A group of people calling themselves the government have been made "the government" by the greater group of people, they didn't just take that possition.

That group doesn't give me a block of cheese now and then, they manage my country for me, they may do a poor job, if they do I will find another group.

So long as you use any facilities of this country, then you pay the entire price of admission, you pay for the monkey cage, I pay for the monkey cage. You don't like the cobras but you pay because you do like the zebras. I like the cobras but I pay for the zebras even though I don't like them because you do. We all pay for all of the zoo so that we can enjoy the parts we like and ignore the parts we don't.

Your first statement is absolutely false. The federal government was founded by a small group of white men, some of them slaveholders centuries ago. Nobody alive today was involved in making that government and damn few people BACK THEN actively consented.

I'm sorry to hear you are willing to kill people for a (figureatively and literally) block of cheese. I'm not willing to do that.

I may address this post more later. (duty calls)

Thank you for remaining civil, it is appreciated.
View attachment 2288828

Dinosaurs were the first creatures kicked out of the Garden of Eden when a T-Rex ate Adam’s first wife Lilith whole. Later, God sent a great flood which wiped out all the large repto-birds in a sort of Dino-holocaust. But when Jesus came to earth his blood cleansed all that God had cursed. That meant dinosaurs could finally get through the gates to Jurassic Heaven and into the loving arms of the Lord. Less fortunate however were the unicorns as gays are still not allowed beyond the pearly gates.
View attachment 2288853

Bless you. You have delivered.
I said this before
I took my duaghter to the Museum (free admission on mondays) a group of homeschoolers was below us in front of a diorama of a t rex and a stegosuarus fighting it out
it is like 15 foot tall
One of the chaperones says to the group
"See that is what you need to watch out for, it isnt true the bible tells us the world is 6000 years old"
She was referring to a sign that said this happened millions of years ago
Your first statement is absolutely false. The federal government was founded by a small group of white men, some of them slaveholders centuries ago. Nobody alive today was involved in making that government and damn few people BACK THEN actively consented.

I'm sorry to hear you are willing to kill people for a (figureatively and literally) block of cheese. I'm not willing to do that.

I may address this post more later. (duty calls)

Thank you for remaining civil, it is appreciated.

My first statement was "the wife should leave" - it is an opinion Rob, but its good advice.

Everyone alive to day is involved in "making" our government. Our government is different than our initial scafolding of laws, that is the part they made. Our government today is a far cry (some greatly lament this) from what it was those hundreds of years ago.

I am willing to overlook some of the killing that goes on in my name for the services my government gives me Rob.

Why would I not remain civil? this is an exchange of words and ideas. I am not my ideology and so you do not injure me even if you manage to injure my belief system. If you prove me wrong on something you are not poking my eye out and odds are I will accept your proof and alter my understanding of the world around us. (you will have to be damn good though)
I said this before
I took my duaghter to the Museum (free admission on mondays) a group of homeschoolers was below us in front of a diorama of a t rex and a stegosuarus fighting it out
it is like 15 foot tall
One of the chaperones says to the group
"See that is what you need to watch out for, it isnt true the bible tells us the world is 6000 years old"
She was referring to a sign that said this happened millions of years ago
View attachment 2288877

A friend's daughter made a new friend. They were about 16. The two of them went to a museum where the new little friend said "you know none of this is real", What do you mean, my friend's daughter said, look at all th bones. The little friend said "the scientists all are lying to us".

American exceptionalism at its finest. conservatives hate science, scientists, professors, the education system, teachers and universities.
I'll have to. Religion fascinates me, all religions. Been thinking of starting one myself, I hear there is good money in them.

there is at least one documentary on the museum and I think Maher includes it in his movie.

I was kicked off of all of Ham's sites and his affiliate sites as well,

for quoting scripture.

I love those folks.
there is at least one documentary on the museum and I think Maher includes it in his movie.

I was kicked off of all of Ham's sites and his affiliate sites as well,

for quoting scripture.

I love those folks.

How much can you sell your duaghter for in slavery?
My first statement was "the wife should leave" - it is an opinion Rob, but its good advice.

Everyone alive to day is involved in "making" our government. Our government is different than our initial scafolding of laws, that is the part they made. Our government today is a far cry (some greatly lament this) from what it was those hundreds of years ago.

I am willing to overlook some of the killing that goes on in my name for the services my government gives me Rob.

Why would I not remain civil? this is an exchange of words and ideas. I am not my ideology and so you do not injure me even if you manage to injure my belief system. If you prove me wrong on something you are not poking my eye out and odds are I will accept your proof and alter my understanding of the world around us. (you will have to be damn good though)


How much?