The president is totally cray


Don't know what else you were expecting from the orange fucknut.
'I hope you can see your way clear to letting it go, to letting Flynn go'. -President Donald J Trump the day after Flynn resigned

'This is pretty straight up and the word 'hope' (that the Republipukes claim his innocence) a distraction..look carefully at the last five words of his quote.
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I think the lefts spin and total nit picking of everything will not allow them to win seats.
Spin on what?
Nit picking?
Give me a break, you fool. All that is being reported is coming out of your assholes mouth, maybe if he shut the fuck up, did his elected duty and ran this fucking country like he, in his fucked up brain swore to do, instead of crying about the biased news, there wouldn't be any issues.
Instead we have a madman running this country, into the ground in a matter of months, and all he can say is that the new's organizations are against him, FOR REPORTING THE FUCKING TRUTH.
You are a major part of the problem, in the sense that people like you, who adulate that piece of shit, kinda like the fucking Nazis in Germany in 1936 did to Hitler, will bring this country to it's knees.
Kill yourself, and do this (site?) country a favor.
So the justifications for Trump's behavior this morning from C-SPAN callers goes like this:

"Trump is not a politician! He doesn't have experience in these matters. It's not his fault, but the Left is treating him like he is a politician! Trump is trying to turn the federal govern-mint into a corporation, and the Democrats and libtards won't let him. He's not a politician, and they need to just step off and let him do his work!"

He can't be the Best at Everything (as he often tells us he is) and inexperienced. Trumptards are imbeciles.
i tend to agree schuy.. i don't agree with about 90 plus percent of what rr has to say, but i think calling him a chomo is taking things a bit too far.. imvho, he just took things a bit too far in trying to say that an 8 year old should be able to consent to having sex with an adult, but that goes along with his thinking that taxation is slavery and rape, blah blah blah, but a chomo, i'd not take it that far.. i surely don't agree with his thinking, just to make that much clear though..
Would you let rob Roy babysit your children?

Where do you draw the line on child molestation? IMO if you think touching kids is ok (he does if they "consent"), where exactly does ones moral compass lie?

I'm willing to bet he's speaking from experience. Who else besides a chomo would defend the actions of chomos?
Spin on what?
Nit picking?
Give me a break, you fool. All that is being reported is coming out of your assholes mouth, maybe if he shut the fuck up, did his elected duty and ran this fucking country like he, in his fucked up brain swore to do, instead of crying about the biased news, there wouldn't be any issues.
Instead we have a madman running this country, into the ground in a matter of months, and all he can say is that the new's organizations are against him, FOR REPORTING THE FUCKING TRUTH.
You are a major part of the problem, in the sense that people like you, who adulate that piece of shit, kinda like the fucking Nazis in Germany in 1936 did to Hitler, will bring this country to it's knees.
Kill yourself, and do this (site?) country a favor.

He can't be the Best at Everything (as he often tells us he is) and inexperienced. Trumptards are imbeciles.
Trumptards are perfectly comfortable with giving Rump on the job training. They want an experienced electrician to do the wiring on their house. Shudder the thought of an apprentice who has already taken more education classes than Trump ever has doing the work. But a green, unready, unprepared ignoramus president should be cut some slack.
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@Rob Roy is this so?
I only asked because one day I may get the chance for govt. job and wouldn't want to jeopardize a background check with a known CM.

It is inaccurate. People who make those kinds of accusations are often ill equipped to debate, so their best tool is lying. Not surprised though.