• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The police stopped by ...

OK, so this is an extension of a thread I wrote a little earlier. Short background story again ... I live in Texas and my wife caught me with a little side number that I'd been fooling around with for a little while. For some unexplained reason, I had shown the girlfriend the plants, and mentioned them in text messages that she kept. It was a really messy couple of days, separated from my wife and the girlfriend went completely mental. As soon as this happened, I killed all the plants and got rid of them

Yesterday the police came knocking on the door. There were four officers, all very nice and what not, saying that they had a call and had to follow up. My second mistake was to sign their search warrant, but I freaked out. I stayed pretty calm I think, but inside I was blowing up. They searched the house (no dogs) pretty thoroughly, but didn't find anything, of course. There were a bunch of small plastic bags, but I said my native wife used them for jewelry, and showed them some of the stuff she had made. Also a scale, said I couldn't remember. I still had the ferts in the closet, but said I was going to start growing veggies, which is true. I even showed them all the seeds I have, and explained how I was going to do square foot gardens (all true). There was still a hole in the closet door, but one of the officers actually suggested that this was were the light would go for the veggies. As they walked out, they noticed my scrubber which I had stuck in the car to get rid of. They asked what it was and I said just a duct I'm taking back to Lowe's. They didn't even ask to go into the car, and just said kind of with a smile "Well, as long as you're not using it for any marijuana"

They took off, but now what? Is that it? Are they coming back? I mean, I'm sure they had their suspicions, but I have a very hard time seeing how it would lead to a case. I'm worried as a mother and see undercover police cars everywhere. I'm 100% positive that the girlfriend called it in. Was this just a check they had to do, but since they didn't find anything they'll just leave it be?

Any and all comments are very much appreciated. For right now, all I want is my wife back, no jail, and grow some tomatoes ...


Active Member
You aced it man great job no worries those were just pictures dont break the law dont get in trouble theyre just doin work

They could come back but if theres nothing illegal going on theyre not getting paid to observe it

Good luck with the wife man.


Well-Known Member
Wow, lots of lessons to take from your story. Sorry for your chop but it sure saved you. If it doesn't work out with the wife, get the fuck out of Texas man. New start. Shit happens for a reason sometimes.
Wow, lots of lessons to take from your story. Sorry for your chop but it sure saved you. If it doesn't work out with the wife, get the fuck out of Texas man. New start. Shit happens for a reason sometimes.
I know, I made so many rookie mistakes. But ... with mistakes comes learning, and you gotta appreciate that at least. Cutting down my 6 almost three months old Kushes was not easy, but I didn't hesitate for a second. Thanks for the kind words, both you and all other


Well-Known Member
For some unexplained reason,
There's really no reason good enough to break rule #1. No tell no smell.So what's the "unexplained reason"?

I had shown the girlfriend the plants, and mentioned them in text messages that she kept.
Girlfriends and mistresses are probably the leading cause of people getting busted via snitching. That's adding a huge level of risk to an already risky operation. Especially in Texas.That's a hard lesson learned. Usually one that ends in disaster.
Also protip. If you're going to have a mistress on the side. Only use a burner phone for any communications with her. Or use google voice app. So that way you're not carrying around 2 phones or have another for wifey/girlfriend to find.

Back in my indoor days I've had several females come over and stay the night/weekends with me while having a walk in closet stuffed to the brim with vegging plants. In the same bedroom. They never had a clue what was in there. Hell with one of them I even went and purchased some smoke from a dealer just to keep things under wraps a few times.

Now when I pulled the plug on the indoor game and just started doing guerrilla grows I ended up breaking rule #1 on 2 females. One was fine and dandy with the idea up until she figured out what the real deal was about. Having to go out camping and stuff for days at a time to fix up plots. Which she wasn't invited to for the simple reason I didn't want her knowing any locations period. Which in turn set off her "You're cheating on me" woman logic. So all in all things went south right at the start flowering. The next thing I know I'm getting random drunk texts from her bragging about how she's talking to loads of LEO about it. Then tried to extort me. Told her to go fuck herself considering there was never anything incriminating that was solid. So then she tries to extort me. That didn't work so well either. Ended up getting a knock about 2 months later. Told em to come back when they had a warrant. Absolutely nothing was on the property anyways. They stayed outside and rolled in 6 cars deep about 45 minutes later. It's hard for her to find any smoke now considering word got out about her being an on paper snitch.

The second didn't pull that one on me but managed to tell her "best friend" about it. I ended up flipping my shit on her. I didn't care for her all that much anyways because she had a knack for fucking people over and pulling little scams here and there. She was one of those people who if they thought they had something on you they would eventually try and take advantage of that and show their true colors. So once again there was an extortion attempt. That one didn't turn out so well either for the would be extorter.

Lessons learned there. In all cases.


Well-Known Member
Dude. You made big boy adult mistakes not rookie. You should have never signed the search warrant. You should never have cheated. Girls are crazy. Karmas a bitch.

Lucky you.


Well-Known Member
I have actually had police stop by a while back, at a spot i was no longer at. What was crazy is that we were setting up and everything, and just got our veg room up. we locked everything up for a day and then someone came by, and broke in, took a qp of some white widow, and had moved all of our vegging babies to the outside backyard. i guess they were trying to take our plants, but decided against it. we just found the plants kicking it and chilling in the backyard. so after that, we put up some for rent signs, and everything trying to get the people who robbed us, to think we were moving out. After about a few months we kicked up our security and got a dog and we decided to proceed.

everything was going good until we had a detective come by, and ask for someone that use to live at that house who had gang affiliations and posted that address as his place of residence. we told them that we just moved in, and so forth. and to go ahead and ask the neighbors. they did just that and went on their way. then after about 6 months later. 2 cops came by to ask for the person again. i declined and told them that there was nobody living there but me. and to ask the neighbors. they then started to ask if they could come in. i said no. not without a warrant. and that if they didnt have one. they couldnt search the house. they kept going at it and persisting. i told them no. i dont want them violating my rights. and to respect that. they then gave up. and left. after another 6 months, someone came by impersonating construction workers, and starting to ask around about some construction around. they gave me an old wrinkkled card and said that if i had any construction needs to go ahead and call them. asking and saying 'oh are u the only that lives here? well someone as old as you could b doing construction to' i honestly thought those guys were like detectives. and wanted to investigate without alarming me. and they were pretty much saying. oh ur young. but someone as young as you could be operating a grow house as well. they went away and about another 2 months later those same guys came back with some agents in tact gear came by and started to say he was looking for the guy who use to live there. i had told them numerous amounts of times that he did not live there. they kept asking to come in to look for him and to make sure to clear the house and they would never bother me again. i said if they had no warrant i couldnt open the door and consent with the search. and they kept drilling me and drilling me. they had no choice but to leave.

they used something as old as someone that use to live there with a criminal background on probation to get me to let them in. it's a pretty sleazy tactic. but it's a tactic thinking someone who doesnt know his rights would let them in. i told this to my partners, and even my partners was like 'shit i might have let them in'

i think i was very lucky. and everything just seemed too krazy at that spot. so eventually we moved out. and to a bigger better spot.

i honestly think it was the people who tried to jack me, who snitched on me. was probably trying to get rid of the competition. during that time there was a dealer who got caught and chased by helicopters who were dealing a fair amount of weed as well. but i dont think he was a grower. that was probably the person who jacked us. and started selling our weed. im pretty sure it was him. and he even made it on the news. i bet he cut a deal with the police to provide a grow house to them as well to get a better sentence or whatever. makes all the sense to the world to me now that i think about it.
he was even military too. fucking snitches... but whatever we came out on top of the situation. just stay strong and remember that if they ever violate your rights, that's a big ass law suit. i was prepared for that as well. woulda won some money if they proceeded without a warrant.



Active Member
OK, so this is an extension of a thread I wrote a little earlier. Short background story again ... I live in Texas and my wife caught me with a little side number that I'd been fooling around with for a little while. For some unexplained reason, I had shown the girlfriend the plants, and mentioned them in text messages that she kept. It was a really messy couple of days, separated from my wife and the girlfriend went completely mental. As soon as this happened, I killed all the plants and got rid of them

Yesterday the police came knocking on the door. There were four officers, all very nice and what not, saying that they had a call and had to follow up. My second mistake was to sign their search warrant, but I freaked out. I stayed pretty calm I think, but inside I was blowing up. They searched the house (no dogs) pretty thoroughly, but didn't find anything, of course. There were a bunch of small plastic bags, but I said my native wife used them for jewelry, and showed them some of the stuff she had made. Also a scale, said I couldn't remember. I still had the ferts in the closet, but said I was going to start growing veggies, which is true. I even showed them all the seeds I have, and explained how I was going to do square foot gardens (all true). There was still a hole in the closet door, but one of the officers actually suggested that this was were the light would go for the veggies. As they walked out, they noticed my scrubber which I had stuck in the car to get rid of. They asked what it was and I said just a duct I'm taking back to Lowe's. They didn't even ask to go into the car, and just said kind of with a smile "Well, as long as you're not using it for any marijuana"

They took off, but now what? Is that it? Are they coming back? I mean, I'm sure they had their suspicions, but I have a very hard time seeing how it would lead to a case. I'm worried as a mother and see undercover police cars everywhere. I'm 100% positive that the girlfriend called it in. Was this just a check they had to do, but since they didn't find anything they'll just leave it be?

Any and all comments are very much appreciated. For right now, all I want is my wife back, no jail, and grow some tomatoes ...
If I was a cop and saw a sctubber in someones home, I wouldn't have a slightest doubt about what that person was really growing. There is certainly a chance those cops realized that you have been growing but have destroyed all the evidence since you knew that you were being rated out. They might decide to check up upon you at a later date in hope that you have started growing again, so its probably a good idea to not grow in your house any time soon. But they can't do anything to you with what they now have (or what your ex side thing could give them).


Well-Known Member

I'd move the fuck out of that state.

When all it takes is some vindictive cunt to "swear" out an affidavit leading to a visit from your local Johnny law, it's time to move the fuck out and never return.

I wish you luck, regardless.


Well-Known Member
If they were nice they will be back. My buddy went down hard for the same exact shit. But it was done by the hands of his wife after he got caught. being the cake was in a garage he rented wifey called the cheese and destroyed him. ALWAYS follow rule #1 don't tell a soul. Cheating and this biz are oil and vinegar. Good luck
First things first is the old saying loose lips sinks ships and second you shouldn't have been cheating on your woman. Lesson learned I guess


Virtually Unknown Member
If I was a cop and saw a sctubber in someones home, I wouldn't have a slightest doubt about what that person was really growing. There is certainly a chance those cops realized that you have been growing but have destroyed all the evidence since you knew that you were being rated out. They might decide to check up upon you at a later date in hope that you have started growing again, so its probably a good idea to not grow in your house any time soon. But they can't do anything to you with what they now have (or what your ex side thing could give them).
this is the answer
they are not stupid
they are hoping you will grow again.....soon
they know where you live
other people know as well

move or dont grow or get legal

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
You got very lucky. They didn't find any plants, but found you have the ability. You stated you were going to grow veggies. I suggest you do (good practice), but to not set up overboard for simple veggies. You are on their radar, and do expect they will follow up down the road. That location can never grow MJ again. It is a watch location. I was raided, swat and everything, for having a grow room with nothing but tomatoes and such. They found a pipe and a trivial amount of MJ but no plants. I know for a fact a follow up will happen because they said even without plants, I had the ability and they had bad timing. I am talking about how it happens in the USA. In fact if you have any connection to any other properties, expect that they will come...They will.
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