The Plant, The Creator & Some Aliens??

Okay, I had this in another thread but got no attention. I just want to hear what others might think of my thoughts :)
I think it's kinda crazy, but something that def stirs my mind.

This is the ish right here:
GEN 1:26 And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

That tells me that God was not alone. Who is "us" and "our" that share a likeness with God?
GEN 1:29 And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all earth.

There is his permission. Followed by his satisfaction;
Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

:clap:Haha yes, it is very good!

Now, I have been agnostic for years; how can there be a God, when evolution is somewhat (still some unknowns) more solid and viable? That has been my debate.

:idea:These days, though, I have been contemplating a different theory. It supports other theories, that pot, is an alien plant. It is after all the only plant that physically shows its sex. Haha and somehow, God and evolution might fit into the same story...

God was/is an alien and he gifted our planet with an out-of-this-world herb; Mary Jane... that is, if he did/does exist.


Well-Known Member
Sexual dimorphism occurs in about 10% of flowering plants. It is not exclusive to cannabis. Either way, why introduce a completely unsubstantiated hypothesis without first examining how something might have occurred naturally by evolution? It is the introduction of unnecessary and complex variables and is the same argument that theists tend to use a lot, an appeal to ignorance fallacy.
Hmmm... I heard somewhere that any other plant you have to run tests and ish to find out the sex- hearsay though. And I introduced it as such bc I was high off my butt lol.

My thoughts before hand were even crazier and set me on a trip for a while; Man is divine and special in the universe. Perhaps we were once the Gods and something big happened... then we forgot (or something to that affect) what we were... In conclusion to that, we as human do and have done miraculous things with more to come still. Using only 10% of our brains abilities, perhaps we are Gods in the making? We were supposedly made after the likenss of a man and his race from the stars. Haha we could be aliens...

Mindphuk, I cannot exclude evolution, as it is so prevelant. But after watching several shows on Ancient Aliens (have you seen it? history channel) I think we most def had some E.T. guidance in ancient times and that possibly the Egyptian, Myans, etc. confused aliens and their space craft for Gods and Angels, miracles etc.

P.S. Please don't trip guy, I am just having fun with my high ideas :D


Active Member
Highdeas are the greatest aren't they? They can keep you entertained in your own little world for hours on end lol

You could be right about some sort of "stellar intervention" with some structures and lifeforms on the planet...I wonder alot about the pyramids myself, as well as some of the archaeological findings/hieroglyphs with items that look alot like spaceships/aliens


Well-Known Member
it is an urban myth that cannabis is the only plant that shows sex. i also read it in an article which claimed it was an alien plant and one of a kind. the whole piece was a poor attempt of legalization propaganda.

now about the 'we', 'us' in the bible, quran and maybe torah. i used to think the same thing, but was informed that they (the translators) used the plural form in reference to god as a sign of respect. others like to think that the 'we' and 'us' refers to the almighty, and his angels.....


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... I heard somewhere that any other plant you have to run tests and ish to find out the sex- hearsay though. And I introduced it as such bc I was high off my butt lol.

My thoughts before hand were even crazier and set me on a trip for a while; Man is divine and special in the universe. Perhaps we were once the Gods and something big happened... then we forgot (or something to that affect) what we were... In conclusion to that, we as human do and have done miraculous things with more to come still. Using only 10% of our brains abilities, perhaps we are Gods in the making? We were supposedly made after the likenss of a man and his race from the stars. Haha we could be aliens...

Mindphuk, I cannot exclude evolution, as it is so prevelant. But after watching several shows on Ancient Aliens (have you seen it? history channel) I think we most def had some E.T. guidance in ancient times and that possibly the Egyptian, Myans, etc. confused aliens and their space craft for Gods and Angels, miracles etc.

P.S. Please don't trip guy, I am just having fun with my high ideas :D
no tripping here. I just like to debunk pseudoscientific nonsense.

Considering the History Channel's association with Scientology, the ancient aliens garbage was bound to be aired. I think I caught part of an episode.

Oh, look, I found someone that blogs about episode 1. Doesn't look too promising from a science standpoint.
Yeah, lots of fun just thinking and staring out into space. Imiagining that someday, while I may be dead and gone, ppl will be on some Star Trek ish maybe mixed with a little bit of Dr.Who haha Traveling space and meeting other beings..No budz around here though :( Been having to smoke on insence though... kryptonite- that ish can REALLY fuck you up hahaha I mean KRAZY!! Don't taste good though :P

Speculation doesn't get too far past my thoughts, except for a couple of sites. This guy Robert Kress has a website about the stuff I talked about. I checked it out, but I get bored easy haha He has something on there about DNA and Adam and Eve...The Virgin Mary was arificially insiminated... And some charts or something about "UFO sightings" at or around the same time of "miracles" along with where you can find them in the bible. But then it turns into craziness bc there is some sort of program for your computer where you type in what is said in the bible and it puts out what may be the actual meaning. That's where it became too much for me to care or even process.
I also found some kid somewhere who theorizes that God was a supercomputer of some sort... don't remember what the name he had for it was.

Spliff, the second one sounds right... Isn't he referred to as him and he and such in the bible? As a sign of respect; I don't think God and his vanity would appreciate regular men grouping themselves with him by sayin our and us. Where I heard about the plant being alien is not something I would count on. But you have to admit that it is quite amazing that we have natural receptors in our bodies for weeds great qualities :D

Cool Minphuk, it seems you like to get into that kind of stuff. I think I saw you on another thread. I couldn't read it though- haha I may have a six-shooter of "big words", but you seem to have an full arsenal! Nice blog find, guy sure has alot to say! Haha I only skimmed through the first and second- crazy that the two of those are after he watched only 23 minutes of the show.
Pleiadians? Is that a religion? I'm checking out this site about... Native Americans come from the stars of Pleiade as Starseeds, bringing knowledge and light. I could get down with that, I'm Inupiaq (Eskimo, if you didn't know).


Well-Known Member
Okay check this one out.
Let us look at the story of Moses and the burning bush. We all know the story so I'll get right to it. What if this story like so many others in the bible is more of a metaphor than to be taken literally. Perhaps that is what they called Cannabis in those days. Maybe it was the plant from which they would harvest flowers from and after drying would smoke them, hence the name burning bush. What other plant on earth is there that you can take and smoke without some sort of altering process. None that I know of. I can only think of one, tobacco.
They called it burning bush because thats what they did with it they burned it and after inhaling some of the aromatic smoke were enlightened. We all know how cannabis expands our thought and makes us analyze everything. Just a thought thta came to me one night.

As far as the alien creation thing, that is a very compelling and interesting subject. Check out some of Zacharia Sitchin's work on that subject. he has apparently translated ancient sumerian cunieform tablets that claim we were created by an alien but human in species characteristics race called the Anunnaki. As a slave race.


Active Member
Are You Sirius?
Take a look at the word cannabis. Ever wonder what it means? Cannabis is a Greek word, though its root is African. In Greek, canna means 'canine' or 'dog' and bis or bi is the number two. So cannabis is the 'two dog plant'! That in itself is interesting to me. But the pot thickens.

There is a cannabis-loving tribe in Mali, West Africa called the Dogon tribe. A fairly well-documented group, the Dogons were visited by Herodotus, a Greek traveler and chronicler, around 300 BC. He was fortunate enough to have visited the Dogons during a year-long celebration that took place every 50 years. Explaining their celebration, the Dogons pointed to the brightest star in the Winter sky, Sirius, and said it was the 'Two-Dog Star' and that it was the home of the 'two-dog plant', cannabis. The two-dog plant, they said, was brought to our planet from the Goddess from the Two Dog Star. Their yearlong celebration was in honor of that star.

All of this would be easy to dismiss if not for the fact the Dogons possessed specific knowledge about the Sirian system for thousands of years before scientists with modern telescopes and equipment could catch up and prove them right. The Dogons had specific knowledge about Sirius B, a white dwarf star, which they call Po Tolo. They knew that it was white, that it was extremely small, and that its the heaviest star in its grouping. They were able to describe its elliptical orbit with Sirius A, its 50 year orbital period, and the fact that the star rotated on its own axis. Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye abd is so difficult to observe, even through a telescope, no pictures were taken until 1970.

They also described a third star in the Sirius system, which they called Emme Ya. In 1995, when two French astronomers published the results of a multi-year study that was apparently a small, red dwarf star within the Sirius star system, the Dogon idea of there being a Sirius C, aka Emme Ya, was suddenly taken much more seriously. If the Dogons were correct in all of their other knowledge about Sirius, why would they not be dead on with their claims of cannabis being from Sirius. It is, after all, named after that "Two-Dog Star'

Note: The Dog Star was highly venerated in ancient Mesopotamia, where its old Akkadian name was Mil-lik-ud (Dog Star Of the Sun) and in Babylonia, where it was called Kakkab-lik-ku (Star Of The Dog). The assyrians called Sirius Kal-bu-sa mas (the Dog of the Sun) and in Chaldea, it was known as Kak-shisha (The Dog Star That Leads)
Copy and Pasted from the Cannabible by Jason King


Active Member
This is from Wikipedia about those that brought us our favorite plant from Sirius
The Nommo are ancestral spirits (sometimes referred to as deities) worshipped by the Dogon tribe of Mali. The word Nommos is derived from a Dogon word meaning, "to make one drink," The Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures. Folk art depictions of the Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommos are also referred to as “Masters of the Water”, “the Monitors”, and "the Teachers”. Nommo can be a proper name of an individual, or can refer to the group of spirits as a whole. For purposes of this article “Nommo” refers to a specific individual and “Nommos” is used to reference the group of beings.


Active Member
My two cents on the God/Aliens thing.
"Gods" and "Aliens" are just "words" in a language that us mere mortals use to describe beings of a higher dimension.

Who knows if "aliens" even live on planets. They could very well live in a dimension above our own. Maybe there is a word used to describe that place... oh yeah, "heaven and hell"


Active Member
Okay check this one out.
Let us look at the story of Moses and the burning bush. We all know the story so I'll get right to it. What if this story like so many others in the bible is more of a metaphor than to be taken literally. Perhaps that is what they called Cannabis in those days. Maybe it was the plant from which they would harvest flowers from and after drying would smoke them, hence the name burning bush. What other plant on earth is there that you can take and smoke without some sort of altering process. None that I know of. I can only think of one, tobacco.
They called it burning bush because thats what they did with it they burned it and after inhaling some of the aromatic smoke were enlightened. We all know how cannabis expands our thought and makes us analyze everything. Just a thought thta came to me one night.

As far as the alien creation thing, that is a very compelling and interesting subject. Check out some of Zacharia Sitchin's work on that subject. he has apparently translated ancient sumerian cunieform tablets that claim we were created by an alien but human in species characteristics race called the Anunnaki. As a slave race.
Anunnaki! I always thought that was just a strain! lol Thanks for the info. I internet searched it up. Interesting shit.
Okay check this one out.
Let us look at the story of Moses and the burning bush. We all know the story so I'll get right to it. What if this story like so many others in the bible is more of a metaphor than to be taken literally. Perhaps that is what they called Cannabis in those days. Maybe it was the plant from which they would harvest flowers from and after drying would smoke them, hence the name burning bush. What other plant on earth is there that you can take and smoke without some sort of altering process. None that I know of. I can only think of one, tobacco.
They called it burning bush because thats what they did with it they burned it and after inhaling some of the aromatic smoke were enlightened. We all know how cannabis expands our thought and makes us analyze everything. Just a thought thta came to me one night.

As far as the alien creation thing, that is a very compelling and interesting subject. Check out some of Zacharia Sitchin's work on that subject. he has apparently translated ancient sumerian cunieform tablets that claim we were created by an alien but human in species characteristics race called the Anunnaki. As a slave race.
I like to think that there def was some burning of bushes back then :)

Cool, I'll check that out. The Anunnaki race, were aliens that looked human?
My two cents on the God/Aliens thing.
"Gods" and "Aliens" are just "words" in a language that us mere mortals use to describe beings of a higher dimension.

Who knows if "aliens" even live on planets. They could very well live in a dimension above our own. Maybe there is a word used to describe that place... oh yeah, "heaven and hell"
Your Sirius post is interesting. I wonder why it's "two dog", why was dog put in there?

Hells eternal flames- that couldn't be the sun, or the center of the earth? I wonder, when hell was referred to back then, where could it be...
Surely, you are correct about the "words", unless of course God is the actual name of the being that "created" us.


Active Member
no tripping here. I just like to debunk pseudoscientific nonsense.

Considering the History Channel's association with Scientology, the ancient aliens garbage was bound to be aired. I think I caught part of an episode.

Oh, look, I found someone that blogs about episode 1. Doesn't look too promising from a science standpoint.
It's not even pseudoscience it's weird science.


Well-Known Member
I like to think that there def was some burning of bushes back then :)

Cool, I'll check that out. The Anunnaki race, were aliens that looked human?
Actually they supposedly are human as we were made in thier image.
Look for info on the Sumerians, Tablets of creation, Enlil, Enki, Nibiru. There you will find some crazy stuff.
Actually they supposedly are human as we were made in thier image.
Look for info on the Sumerians, Tablets of creation, Enlil, Enki, Nibiru. There you will find some crazy stuff.
That makes sense. I wonder why, though... and from where they came...

I checked them out on wikipedia. I don't know what I was looking for though and I didn't really find anything.

I got caught up trying checking out my heritages beliefs. One of the Inupiaq/Inupiat stories of creation I found is HIGHLY long winded and confusing. In the story, the Raven spirit (the Creator) sets the world and the things it in into place, often by tricking people. That is one of the things that confused me, people were already in existance. Yet, that was only one version of Raven creating the world. Apparently alot of tribes across Alaska and Canada share the same concept but with different happenings.