The person under me... probably... game

Most definitely glad he stopped stealing jokes. Pretty sure it's what killed his dad. Realizing his son was a hack.

The person below me was an orphan that never fit in, so once they reached the tender age of 14 they turned to a life on the street sucking dicks and eating ass for money. One day your pimp says you need to start pushing meth to your customers. You end up doing most the stash and land yourself in the hospital with broken elbows and hands because you got high and "fell down the stairs". So now whenever it rains or when you fuck a Laotian man your arthritis flares up.
Don't know how to answer that one but I'll take a swipe, my favorite class was physics and later advanced biomedical composites 573

Pimp juice below me has killed a plant with love ( to much water, light, or nutrients )
Nope. I've fried seedlings transplanting into the flowering bins too soon, they weren't ready for how hot the soil was.

The Person below me doesn't think that using a garden setup indoors is a good idea.
I like indoor gardening. I have 2 1000W ballasts.

The chap stuffer below me went into a gay bar, pretending to not know what it was, and stayed too long, was drugged, woke up in someone's yard with their pants around their ankles, and hasn't pooped right since.
Wrong again, LoL. In my younger days, I DID go to gay bars, when I was broke... Stand around, when a guy asks to buy you a drink you say "Ok, but I'm STRAIGHT" really loud. You will get sooooooooooooooooooo many free drinks, it's crazy.

The person below me has traveled more than 500 miles to see a novelty attraction, and regrets not going to Vegas for a weekend of hookers and blow instead.
Wrong again, LoL. In my younger days, I DID go to gay bars, when I was broke... Stand around, when a guy asks to buy you a drink you say "Ok, but I'm STRAIGHT" really loud. You will get sooooooooooooooooooo many free drinks, it's crazy.

The person below me has traveled more than 500 miles to see a novelty attraction, and regrets not going to Vegas for a weekend of hookers and blow instead.

My gay friends always joke "what's the difference between a straight man and a gay man?.....................a six pack". I always stop at 5.

Never been to Vegas, wish I had before I got married.

The person below me went to Vegas and what they did there did not "stay there"
Never been, I'm sure I would bring some shame home tho

the power bottom under me knows what a power bottom is..
Never been, I'm sure I would bring some shame home tho

the power bottom under me knows what a power bottom is..
I'm guessing that has something to do with hardcore gay male sex...but that's as far as I go, and dare not google it.

The grape-smuggler below me probably doesn't know what popular 90's comedy in which the term "grApe smuggler" was used
I don't indeed! My excuse is that I was in prison through most of the 90's, though.

Speaking of prison, the shower twink below me dropped the soap, powdered soap, in the shower "On accident!" and was disappointed with the outcome.
My gay friends always joke "what's the difference between a straight man and a gay man?.....................a six pack". I always stop at 5.

Never been to Vegas, wish I had before I got married.

The person below me went to Vegas and what they did there did not "stay there"

Got married there the 1st time... been there a few times.. netted over 2k once... scared the crap outta me too.. was swarmed by gaurds and tax folk within seconds... I did not even know I was the one who one anything big coins stopped popping out about 1 min into it..

The person below me has never been to a strip club
I've been to strip clubs, worked as a bouncer at one about 20 years ago.

The person above me doesn't like or approve of my prison joke.

The person below me is shaking their head thinking "Shit, I'm not high enough for this."
I worked in one too, as a bouncer/doorman.

I am not high enough. Thinking about a brownie.....

The Hermaphrodite below me cannot change a clutch
I wish I was a hermaphrodite, then I could go fuck myself when people tell me to.

I can indeed change a clutch. I had to learn road-side (well, road side rest area.) on a road-trip way out in back mountain northeastern Tennessee.

The product of generations of "royal breeding" below me still plays "smell my fingers" when he runs into coworkers at the bar.
I've been to strip clubs, worked as a bouncer at one about 20 years ago.

The person above me doesn't like or approve of my prison joke.

The person below me is shaking their head thinking "Shit, I'm not high enough for this."

I'm always high enuf past about 11am...

the person under me has thought about this thread while they were not near the computer and forgotten what they wanted to post
Yes, but now I remeber.

The person below me will continue this thread with a response to this and add something that the person below them will or has done.
Right, because if it was, I would re-open it :D.

The person below me probably has never had a threesome.
With the lady sitting right next to me, I'll correct ya' ... 2 chicks one dude is a threesome, right?

The person below me doesn't really care that my lady's sitting next to me, they're more curious about the details of the threesome.