The person under me... probably... game

Look, it wasn't my fault, the rhino appeared out of thin air right in front of me.

The person below has come to the conclusion that satellite internet is the best thing since sliced bread and pockets on jeans.
I can remember life before internet. We had Atari. :D

The person below me doesn't know what Atari is...............
Hop Scotch was lame, we played murder ball:D.

The person below me probably hasn't had a shower today.
^now I am wishing it was fast food...

The person below me is now probably googling gnat butter :(
yes I do, a dog names Rocky.

the person below me has probably read the first few pages of this thread before deciding to jump in.
Not yet.. besides My begging worked last night!

The person below me has posted in here more then 10 times
Not yet.. besides My begging worked last night!

The person below me has posted in here more then 10 times
I'm too stoned to count them up right now but will say yes.

The person below me probably had a gay experience in their life.
No. Why do I always get the shitty predictions?

The person below me also has never seen any of the Twilight movies
I have seen them outta the corners of me peepers... (wifey and D.D love them)

The person below me has screwed up and posted a "The person below me" in the other thread or vice versa
