The person below me thread

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true, what's your high score?

the person below me knows that the tetris high score is way the fuck up there?
false, what level did you get to? I play snake on my ceelly every now and again?

the person below me likes to shit I don't know..... go swimming
true doesn't have levels in the arcade just score

the person below me has licked a butt hole (guy or girl)
false, FUCK NO ( have you licked a butt hole dude? )

the person below me knows what pussy poppin is?
True but I don't really know him. we need all the knowledge we can get on this sight.
Yes i've licked my girls butt she loves it and then she licks mine

The person below me would lick there girls ass if she wanted him to...Don't lie
false and I hate potholes to I got some 22'' wheels on my car

the person below me likes there pillow to be cold when they sleep.
False, lol

the person below me thinks that ktown swallows j/k....
the person below me Has smoked a grape flavored blunt today
true, I think I have! what the hell bro, why did you have to pick me out of all the guys LOL no hard feelings

the person below me gots the munchies?
false-munch on a weinie K-town, eastlog told me to say that J/k--thats for callin me dough boy earlier....LMAO

the person below me wont make fun of anybody
I was answering to the grape blunt question just so nobody gets no funny ideas

this post does not exist, so I don't lose ( yeah )

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