The Perfect God as a Reality

I too, believe you could make an intelligent case against god based simply on his creation decisions, without invoking any opinions regarding religion or spirituality.

Decisions imply what exactly?

Once you wipe the slate clean of all God concepts, what is left?

Why is IT not OK for others to believe differently?


Exactly my point.... G*D's creative choice was to create a planet based upon violence.

The overwhelming majority of animals on this planet die by being eaten .... alive!

Only a truly twisted G*D would create such a place.... which is NOT the definition. Ergo.... man made G*D EXPLAINING after the fact of why the Earth is the way it truly is.... deadly.
Why the phuck are you so fixated on saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over?

IT reminds me of Beavis saying "FIRE"


Evolution involves change over time, not exactly the same thing over time.

In fact, isn't doing the same thing over and over and over and over expecting different results a definition of insanity?

Kind of like the crazy particle physicists living deep underground.


Decisions imply what exactly?

Once you wipe the slate clean of all God concepts, what is left?

Why is IT not OK for others to believe differently?


WH, I'm not sure I understand your posts.

Why do you keep capitalizing IT?

And who said IT is not OK for others to believe anything? Not me.

I am interested in an intelligent debate about relevant subjects- I'm generally hoping that someone will say something that either: convinces me to change my mind, or further solidifies my thinking on an issue, or explains more fully the thinking of my contemporaries.

I don't care to be confrontational just for the heck of it.

But, do you get paid for all these video insertions which I wouldn't waste my time on?
But, do you get paid for all these video insertions which I wouldn't waste my time on?

No, that's why it's hard for you to get.


"I am interested in an intelligent debate about relevant subjects- I'm generally hoping that someone will say something that either: convinces me to change my mind, or further solidifies my thinking on an issue, or explains more fully the thinking of my contemporaries."

Me too.
I enjoy science, thought, spirituality and plenty good vibes.
We do not enjoy haters throwing stones.


IT's contextual.

They're just a spammy troll. Just follow my sig and be spam free! :)

Thanks for the advice. I guess don't want to ignore anyone.

WH, I'm sure you have an intelligent perspective on these subjects. I just don't get the relevance of the videos. Why waste your own time posting things unrelated and unwanted. Yes, that's exactly why it's hard for me to get.

No, I don't hate or throw stones. I just ask and answer questions.

Thanks for the advice. I guess don't want to ignore anyone.

WH, I'm sure you have an intelligent perspective on these subjects. I just don't get the relevance of the videos. Why waste your own time posting things unrelated and unwanted. Yes, that's exactly why it's hard for me to get.

No, I don't hate or throw stones. I just ask and answer questions.


WH, I'm sure you have an intelligent perspective on these subjects.


I am sure you are making a very large assumption there.... the evidence points elsewhere.... :wink:
"Why waste your own time posting things unrelated and unwanted. "

Extremely related, the unwantedness is merely filtering through obfuscatioin the relationships for good non-wasteful reasons.

Only your ego tells you we are speaking directly to you.

An embedded youtube video packs many dimensions of effective communication.

Each dimension entangles layers of complexity making automated scanners scanning quickly scan right on by, never seeing a good message standing at the recesses of the gateway.

Can You Not Believe In Universe Man But Still Believe In Person Man?

This a very serious question.
If You don't understand, please ask a question rather than throwing stones.
I'm wearing leatherized rubber armor for those that can't see through my blouse.


"Gaggles of Herds of Smelly Poopy-Headed Trolls snack Crackers while Playing Jacks.
Rollitup is All About free speech.
Rules? What rules?
Can you Change the Rules?
Not everyone can Rub the Rubber.
Whiners fail.
Just ask the panda bear on the rocking horse.
Has anyone seen Alice?"

Someone whispered she imbibed thephatrabbit turds with thephatwhiterabbit and has not been seen since.


Rules and regulations??? is now closed.

