The Perfect God as a Reality

that smell very phishy, we proudly add by contributing to this thread.

How many attractive entities (dancing moonwalking bears) can you enumerate in the following video?


Can entity = sprite?


Public Hippie Tip:

At The Gate, The Gatekeepers Shout Super-Good, Super-Secret, Super-Special Hippie Messages At 3:03 (1), 3:06(2a) and 3:09(2b) for the mod gods
for the mod gods (2:40) (numbers in parentheses are defined this way at least here).

also at 4:20 especially for the great blue one expecting a fox on the other side of the hedge

Not fully Realizing what types of Mystic magical Blue Creatures Used Their Tails quite so adeptly So Very Long Ago.



That's what happens when people act out in order to be paid more attention: they end up being ignored instead. Sad, really.
That's what happens when people act out in order to be paid more attention: they end up being ignored instead. Sad, really.

So true Kat ... so sad and true. Oh well, enough talk of depressing ppl....

Yes indeed, the perfect G*D is the one that doesn't exist. :wink:

Since man made G*D, perfection is unobtainable. One of the reasons the church has used violence to get its way. The story is far from coherent, and only violence or the threat of it has spread the religion.

This only applies to the cult religions......
I had them dispose of our little pest. Anyway Ive been reading more of that book and im loving it. I can wait to finish it up.
what i believe is that god is perfect. we cannot understand perfection because we are not perfect. to understand perfection you have to look in at the perfect angle :) . god tries to teach us the perfect angle in the bible. the way i look at things is everything that is good is god, or of god, or from god. everything not good is from satan. and yes i belive god IS PERFECT. its just you do not understand perfection.
Do you tolerate the beliefs of others?

Where does the line exist for sharing your faith with others, unsolicited?


How many lifetimes would the original Hippies of Woodstock Industries wait to give such a "high sign" of a lifetime?

Which part of slavery is perfect?
How about genocide?
Where is the perfection in rape?
Infanticide seems far from perfect.
How about torture? Is there such a thing as a perfect 'wailing and gnashing of teeth'?

The first character in the bible to lie is 'God' and the first to tell the truth is the serpent. Why does the "perfect" god lie?

And why does a "perfect" god require a do-over to fix his massive fuck ups?

If you consider god to be perfect your standards are pretty low.

what i believe is that god is perfect. we cannot understand perfection because we are not perfect. to understand perfection you have to look in at the perfect angle :) . god tries to teach us the perfect angle in the bible. the way i look at things is everything that is good is god, or of god, or from god. everything not good is from satan. and yes i belive god IS PERFECT. its just you do not understand perfection.
what i believe is that god is perfect. we cannot understand perfection because we are not perfect. to understand perfection you have to look in at the perfect angle :) . god tries to teach us the perfect angle in the bible. the way i look at things is everything that is good is god, or of god, or from god. everything not good is from satan. and yes i belive god IS PERFECT. its just you do not understand perfection.

A deeply flawed book written by primitive men ..... You'll have to be a bit more specific.... where is the perfection again? :lol:
You guys are focusing too much on this "perfect" aspect of god.

You're kinda focusing on THIS reality or demintion is the only one. It's not. God created us as Souls or Entities at first, and at the or around the same time, creating this universe, and the millions of galaxies in it. And creating several[unknown amount] EXTREMELY different worlds like earth for our souls to incarnate on.
So there is the many worlds. the "Other Side" [ god being on that side] is the place that many people perceive as heaven, the place the soul goes when we die on a world.
From that point, you then chose [on the other side] if you want to incarnate again, and if so on what world, etc,etc. Then we write a chart for that life, and we're on our way.

We do this for our souls. Each life has hardships. as each world is SO different. some with technology we could hardly imagine! and some are more agricultural, some barbaric, some even with the absence of emotion! it's hard to explain lol but in the end we can choose how we want to grow spiritually. how WE want to grow not just for god, but for OURSELVES as well. god isn't this selfish hateful being. We don't go to any "hell" if we kill ourselves or shoot our neighbor in the head, but if we do we reincarnate and try again. We will all fuck up in a lifetime. but how we pull ourselves up out of the gutter really makes us grow.
Only the religious focus on perfection. nature does not seek it at all.

Souls... what souls? Take away the book and there is no soul.