The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

Well, while everything else in my life spins outta my control right now, like this cloner for the smallest of examples. image.jpgThese lil cuppy puppy's keep trudging along w/o my care. Fortunately they look decent. Good even. Noticed the playing field is getting thinner by the day. Mmmmhhh! :weed:Closer to them prizes I come.
Yeah right, till I get males or hermies. image.jpg
Well, while everything else in my life spins outta my control right now, like this cloner for the smallest of examples. View attachment 4106379These lil cuppy puppy's keep trudging along w/o my care. Fortunately they look decent. Good even. Noticed the playing field is getting thinner by the day. Mmmmhhh! :weed:Closer to them prizes I come.
Yeah right, till I get males or hermies. View attachment 4106381
What is the shop light your using again?
I was out of here after my last post but had to post one more thing.
Was reading about thrips just now and came across something that surprised me.

Scientists in Japan report that significant reductions in larva and adult melon thrips occur when plants are illuminated with red light.
I never knew this, wasn't sure if you guys did. Google it, seems like it's on some legitimate sites IDK.
I'm going back to the other side.
Have Fun!
Yeah. Did a side by side once & got mites. They stayed away from the burgle light & gravitated towards the white, skipping burple n back to white. Same strains.
Prob true.
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Awwww, hold up. Lemme be like TheDawg n the other softies who cheat w/ Hydro. Fresh out the cloner & into the PuppyCup comp. is my SnoBall. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
Notice the size difference in these 2? Yeah, the only difference is one sat in the cloner while the other one was planted (already to big) on 2-22.
Sure, hydro cuppings not cheating......
It's all good. You wet bottom hydro bumbs will need all the help you can get.


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Yeah. Did a side by side once & got mites. They stayed away from the burgle light & gravitated towards the white, skipping burple n back to white. Same strains.
Prob true.
I don't know how to respond.
Sounds like sarcasm IDK???
Very Nice plants by the way!
Not sure what direction your taking this champ, fill me in.
Why??? Naw man, I don't think so. You can do the research if you want my secrets. Bwaaahaa
Your are obviously intelligent.
Best to just drop it.
You should have let me leave.
Nobody wants me here chatting during the weekly showing. Why didn't you say something earlier?
Let me just go back to my side, we can play this game another time.
Focus on problems like the thrip problem you did so little to help lol not mites, if you read the study you would have seen it was about thrips a discussion you stayed out of. SMH!
Why??? Naw man, I don't think so. You can do the research if you want my secrets. Bwaaahaa
One question smart guy I must ask since you woke me up.
Which tournament do you think you have a better chance in. This one or the other.
Can't be equal.
Simple question. Which one?
Sorry guys, I did get triggered in that my share was an honest one meant as something to possibly be a benefit and I don't like people who are sarcastic to honest shares.
I'm out and if you want to chat we can chat in the other thread hybrid. No reason to spoil this weekends fun.
I would like a one sentence answer to which tournament you think you have a better chance in.
For the record.
Which one???
I don't know how to respond.
Sounds like sarcasm IDK???
Very Nice plants by the way!
Not sure what direction your taking this champ, fill me in.
No, I was stating an actual experience I had.
Not sure which cup comp I'll win. Does my winning either bother you. Haven't been to the other one in awhile but thnx for reminding me. The other comp has allot less rules n I'm trying to follow these rules for now. If I get 2 nice fems maybe I'll have 2 entries & will grow accordingly to stomp the comp.
Dude, do a dab n chill.
No, I was stating an actual experience I had.
Not sure which cup comp I'll win. Does my winning either bother you. Haven't been to the other one in awhile but thnx for reminding me. The other comp has allot less rules n I'm trying to follow these rules for now. If I get 2 nice fems maybe I'll have 2 entries & will grow accordingly to stomp the comp.
Dude, do a dab n chill.
I'm sorry! I should have waited for a response. I thought you were busting balls.
No you winning either does not matter to me. I am glad you have 5 nice plants, look forward to seeing how they progress.

I posted the comment wondering if it was for real or not and if it was of interest to LED growers and wondering if it was already something you guys knew, when it was not responded to I thought it was considered a useless share.

Shit! I try to not get triggered and do quite well usually. Should be the only time that happens till harvest.
Oh Well, best get back to cooking and find my happy place.
Competition is fun, isn't it!
Shit! I try to not get triggered and do quite well usually. Should be the only time that happens till harvest.
Oh Well, best get back to cooking and find my happy place.
Competition is fun, isn't it!
View attachment 4106538
You Are Nothing More Than An Festering Ass Hair Pimple And About As Intelligent Too!!!!!! So Take Your Unimportant Azz Back To The Kitty Litter Comp :peace:
You Are Nothing More Than An Festering Ass Hair Pimple And About As Intelligent Too!!!!!! So Take Your Unimportant Azz Back To The Kitty Litter Comp :peace:
You are right Dawg!
I will! I know! I'm embarrassed :peace:
One mulligan per player till harvest for being Nothing More Than An Festering Ass Hair Pimple And About As Intelligent Too! OK?
DogNutz comp. , Kitty Litter comp. it don't matter. It's gonna be raining cats n dogs once I bring home a tent from one comp. (never owned one n it's about time) & a light from the other to go in the tent.
Dawg, how'd you know my shop light was an Amare? It's from their new sidelight series. Oh they just stay ahead of the others, paving the way for led tech.
I'm sure you've noticed all the enhancement going on in the past 2 yrs. n all the old Amare haters jumping on the band wagon.
They talked so much trash just to pick it all back up n eat it. :spew:
DogNutz comp. , Kitty Litter comp. it don't matter. It's gonna be raining cats n dogs once I bring home a tent from one comp. (never owned one n it's about time) & a light from the other to go in the tent.
Dawg, how'd you know my shop light was an Amare? It's from their new sidelight series. Oh they just stay ahead of the others, paving the way for led tech.
I'm sure you've noticed all the enhancement going on in the past 2 yrs. n all the old Amare haters jumping on the band wagon.
They talked so much trash just to pick it all back up n eat it. :spew:
So now your cup is piggy backing under and amare and not the Lowes Shop light you stole off some Vato's Drywall job site?