The Organic Medicine Cabinet

They still look perky.. What week of flowering are you at now? I got some fish emulsion if you need :P Smells like complete ass though

I am at day 18 of flower. Used kelp and alfalfa meals along with the dry all-purpose in my last tea so i am hoping that takes care of my N. Also did a top-dress with 3:1 blend of kelp to alfalfa. When i get this i will add 2 parts to my kelp/alfalfa blend to make what i think will be a nice complete, top-dress/tea brew all-in-one.
lookin real nice man!!

Can hardly wait to not be smoking the over-priced, same-tasting, boring, generic, demotivating, street crap kush anymore. Looking better everyday, not bad considering my soil mix was no where near dialed in and my teas have been all over the place. Wouldnt mind getting some proper genetics for next run as well. Got some Black Forrest from the Rev(KOS) but thats a sixteen week flowering pure sativa, thinking it wont do so well under cfls. Can anyone recommend some good genetics that would work well with my setup? In the meantime...
still lookin great man!! out of all the grows ive done in my giant cardboard box, my best weed was LSD, Kandy Kush and Rocklock. the Kandy Kush cloned real nice too.
Just entered the third week of flowering. Still looks really hungry but i am not about to pour any liquid nutes into her so she will have to cope. However, do have a tea brewed for watering this morning. Just a teaspoon each of molasses and dry all-purpose with 1/4 cup vermicompost in a litre of water. Had also top-dressed with kelp and alfalfa meals. No ambient odor from this plant; slightly fruity/sour smelling buds when sniffed directly.
Doin good dude. I wouldnt stress bout getin greensand for this grow. Jus go with ur reg supplier, no need in payin double and bringin more people into ur 'circle'. DO get it tho.
Also, can u add sum kind of reflector above ur lights? Wouldnt hurt to lay sum under her also. Especialy usin cfls, u need all the light bouncein around u can get. Remember, if its not reflectin light, its absorbin it.
Doin good dude. I wouldnt worry bout getin green sand for this grow. Jus go with ur regular supplier when he gets it. No need in bringin in more people in ur 'circle'. Dont think it will really help much with this grow.
Also, can u put sum kind of reflector above ur lights? Wouldnt hurt to put sumthin under her too. Especialy usin cfl, u need all the reflection u can get.
Remember, if it isnt reflectin light, its absorbin it.
But, im pretty new to all this. Jus done alot of readin, or as i like to call it, studying. If i studied like this in school, who knows what my gpa coulda
Keep ur head down, no stray bullets, and keep plugin away. No better way to learn than doin it!
Good luck and keep it green
Doin good dude. I wouldnt stress bout getin greensand for this grow. Jus go with ur reg supplier, no need in payin double and bringin more people into ur 'circle'. DO get it tho.
Also, can u add sum kind of reflector above ur lights? Wouldnt hurt to lay sum under her also. Especialy usin cfls, u need all the light bouncein around u can get. Remember, if its not reflectin light, its absorbin it.

Thanks man! Already got the greensand; found it locally. I found a great place online for alot of things at great prices and fast shipping so they will be my sole online source. Everything else i've found locally now. As far as the lights go, its gonna be that way for the remainder of this run. Plan on upgrading for the next. Thanks for stopping by dude.
Sry bout double post, think i shoulda put bong down sooner, lol. Can i ask who ur online site is, i hate tryin to find my shit on ebay, but dont know who to trust. Thx for any help u mite give, pvt mesg me if ud rather.
Later dude
Changed down to 12/12 today. Impressive trichome production, some hairs starting to die off. Smell still evolving-fruity/sour/cheesy. Hard to pinpoint.

I normally crop the photos to size in a photo editor but hit the "auto-fix" function by accident on this one:

That looks nice.
did you pour sugar on that thing? LoL


It does look SWEET! I can hardly wait to finally taste TRUE organic! But my new and improved soil mix will put the stuff this girl was grown in to shame. Big time. Plus i am going to double the container size for flowering. My yield is not close at this point to what i was expecting and i believe its because of the small pot. My teas were also all over the place but next run should have those dialed in for some real consistent nourishment.